June 17, 2005
Starting a Blog....

Who knew how easy it is to start a blog. I've found many blogs that i find myself going back to time and time again, relating to knitting or losing weight. So that's what my blog is going to be for. I'm going to use this blog to chronicle my weightloss efforts, perhaps share triumphs and failures (no, no failures anymore) and also i'm going to show my work in knitting, spinning, crocheting, tatting, whatever i'm working on. It'll be a good way for me to keep track of things and I can share it with friends or family or whomever chooses to read this.

Knitting projects i'm currently working on: 1)Pink cotten leaf patter scarf 2)Finishing the afghan for Sally and Terry 95% complete (I'll post pics as soon as possible)

Weightloss efforts today: Well I guess I should say first that I am doing LA Weightloss and i think it's a great program. I've been on it since 1/4/05 and i lost 17 lbs, then gained a little and i'm still down about 13 lbs. But i'm struggling to get on the downward side again. So today the goals are to drink my water (atleast 64 oz.) and to be OP (on program).


Blogger Mitchypoo said...

Just testing to see if this works.

Blogger Diane said...

Hi Mitchypoo...i've only just started my blog....it's not to hard once you read up a bit on HTML there are websites to help:http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/tut/

I hope these are of some help...i've used them ...only only know the very basics but enough to addd links ...and i'm going to add a link to your blog also :) Good Luck!And Stacie at Faerycrafty helped me LOADS!

Blogger Diane said...

gosh ! i should not be so cocky...i didn't preview that before i published....sorry for the awful spellings and grammer :(

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