October 24, 2006
I only desire that which is for my highest good.

It's a good affirmation for today. I will only allow good and positive people in my life. Life is too short for sad and negative people. I'm not saying that it's not OK to have those emotions, not at all. I too have my sad and negative moments, but what I mean is that I don't want to live in it or with people who tend to be nothing but that. It's a choice to be happy. And that choice is regardless of your circumstances. Today I am happy because I choose to be, because I have a lot to be happy about. I'm grateful for the good things in my life. Life is good. New things and emotions and experiences are happening in my life. It's exciting and scary but ultimately, good. I'm a lucky girl...

The cold is still there but I've made it to work yesterday and today. I am really stuffed up, voice is sometimes leaving me, but the body aches have left me so that is good.

Mary if you are reading this I'm so sorry I wasn't able to see you this weekend, I was just so sick. I never made it out of my jammies, since last Friday. I'll call you soon and hopefully we can get together soon. Hope you had a good time and a safe trip home.

I'm knitting a pair of socks for my Special Someone...pics to follow.


Blogger Helen said...

Thank you for reading my blog.Everybody seems to be knitting socks. I hope I can learn to knit soon

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