I saw someone post something about their blog anniversary and their first commenters. Well, it got me to thinking and so I took a looksee and it looks like I totally missed my blogs 2 yr. anniversary in July. But I was able to see that Diane from the UK was my first commenter. And she was also a new blogger but has continued. Her last post was in October. Her blog is really cute, I love her handknits and her animals pics and I love how they talk over there. It sometimes amazes me how much I get from blogging. I love seeing how other people live and what they are working on if they are crafty, it gives me inspiration and ideas. Mamacita teases me because sometimes something happens and I have to quick get the camera because it's "blogworthy"! I've met so many wonderful people just by being a blogger. Really neat people. This was Diane's first comment to me:
I haven't kept in constant contact with Diane but I know I've posted there before because my info was there, but she mentioned Faerycrafty whom I have kept in touch with and she's one of those special bloggers to me. She's so sweet, and talented too.
So another thing to be thankful for...blogland!

Hi Mitchypoo...i've only just started my blog....it's not to hard once you read up a bit on HTML there are websites to help:http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/tut/
I hope these are of some help...i've used them ...only only know the very basics but enough to addd links ...and i'm going to add a link to your blog also :) Good Luck!And Stacie at Faerycrafty helped me LOADS!
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Diane said...
gosh ! i should not be so cocky...i didn't preview that before i published....sorry for the awful spellings and grammer :(
Sunday, July 10, 2005
I haven't kept in constant contact with Diane but I know I've posted there before because my info was there, but she mentioned Faerycrafty whom I have kept in touch with and she's one of those special bloggers to me. She's so sweet, and talented too.
So another thing to be thankful for...blogland!

Hello!Mitchypoo! I'm still here and i too have never thought to celebrate my blog anniversary :) Tell you what....we'll have to remember and have a joint celebration next year :)Blogging proves that time flies when you're enjoying yourself doesn't it?
Your blog has become very,very sophisticated...i'm not very clever at the techy stuff, i just about manage to post my pictures ;)
Belated Congratulations and keep blogging :)
Really? Sophisticated? Gee, thanks! I like the idea to celebrate jointly, i'll try to remember.
Aww thank you! I think you and Diane are great too! Happy belated 2nd blogiversary!
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