October 1, 2007
It is okay to learn from every experience, and it is okay to make mistakes.


The whole world is your family. Bring peace to your mind and to your world. Send loving thoughts to even those who you think of as enemies. Love and forgiveness heals.

Yes people, it's October. I've been saying all summer, I have to get in for a pedicure and now I'm like, oh, why bother. In the fall and winter I have socks and tights on most of the time, nobody cares about my toes. It's less than 90 days until Christmas too...OOOHHH, am I making you anxious? Sorry. It does make me anxious except that I have been knitting all year and frankly, I'm almost done with my gifts, I'm not too worried this year.

Had a rather challenging morning... My brother's wheelchair decided to take a dump last night. The gear box went crazy and his chair is capable of tilting up and down. Well it went out and tilted all the way down and so, he was falling out of it and there was no way to get him out of the house and into the van. So we had to put him down for bed early because it was uncomfortable for him to sit like that. We were in communication with his facility and there is a guy who knows about his chair but he doesn't have a phone and doesn't drive. So we waited until this a.m. and then we went and picked him up and he came and got the chair at least up enough to get him out of the house. So we got him out of bed and then Mamacita was taking he and my brother back to the facility.

I felt kind of hungry last night, cravings, but I still did well! I didn't eat before bed. I did have 2 glasses of wine, but I was on program, so there!

I have a pink baby kimono on the blocking wires and I'll sew it together tonight! Pics to follow....promise!



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