The idea for this post came from The Gal Herself, who listed things she was good at. Since so many of us concentrate on our faults and flaws and weaknesses and peccadilloes, it was a refreshing read. And so I am stealing it. I encourage everyone else to steal it. Looking at yourself objectively and liking what you see is a natural high.
- I love animals. I've always had a soft spot for them and it doesn't matter what kind of animal although I'm partial to cats and dogs and hippos. You know that kid who always brought home a stray animal~ that was me.
- I'm crafty. I've always loved to learn new things and I love craft. My favorite craft now is knitting of course, but I love to paint and bead, and, you name it crafty and i love it.
- I'm a great cook. My Mamacita says that she is a recipe cook, but I can cook anything and without a recipe. It's true. I can take any ingredients and make a meal.
- I can bake homemade bread. From scratch, not a machine although the machines are cool too. I also make homemade pasta. I also used to make bagels, crackers, hotdog buns.
- I have nice handwriting. People comment on it.
- I quit smoking. If you are a smoker, you know that this is difficult. To quit. But I did, and cold turkey. It's all or nothing for me a lot of times.
- I work well under pressure. I've had jobs where sometimes there is a lot of pressure or deadlines to work under. I've always been able to get through these times, it kind of motivates me.
- I'm loyal. I pride myself on it.
- I still love to learn. I should be a perpetual student because I love to learn about things. I want to know more. If I don't know how to do something, I want to learn how to do it.
- I am empathetic. When I was active in church they discussed that everyone has a gift and I believe that this is my gift, although truthfully, it causes me some pain sometimes. I try to see the good in it.
- I love old people. When I was young, in grade school I liked to go to the nursing home or convalescent center to visit the old people. I would ask my Mamacita to take me down there. I always saw really cool things in older people.
- I'm smart. I have an Associates degree, I'd like to someday continue my education formally, but I truly believe that some of the smartest people do not have a paper degree. They have a life learned education. I'm not an Einstein, but I maybe could have joined Mensa.
- I'm creative. I think it's a talent and positive thing to be creative and I'm glad that I can see something and see how to create that thing or how to improve something. You need imagination to be creative. That's why I love knitting because I determine what I create and how it looks.
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