May 31, 2006
Can someone help me?

Crap! I don't know what I did, but my sidebar stuff is on the bottom? Help? Anyone know HTML?

May 28, 2006

I've debated back and forth to myself, when should I get back on the computer and blogging and all of that. There is a part of me that is not ready to deal with the real world yet, but I have a yearning to go on and live my life. So let me just say that I think my Father would want me to go on, I think it would make him happy that we remembered him fondly, but went on and lived a happy life and so even though my heart is still hurting and the tears are coming again now as I write this....I've decided to go on and be happy. We make a decision sometimes in life in how we want to live, I know that I have. I've gotten caught up in my depression in the past and although I have a situational depression, I'm choosing to be happy, to make my Father proud. So first of all, I have to say a big and heartfelt thank you to all of you who read this, all of you who left me a word of encouragement, thank you for the prayers and kind words and thoughts. My cyber friends, that would be you :), mean the world to me. We have somehow connected and I'm thankful to each of you. Thank you isn't near enough to expressing how grateful I am for your kindness.

Let me just say that I never knew I'd miss my Dad like this... It's surprising that it hurts so much. I'll miss what Dad said almost every time I saw him "Hi, Baby Doll". He wasn't the most demonstrative man with his emotions, but when he said something I knew he meant it and I always new he loved me. He called me his princess, he made me feel special and beautiful.

This last week has been difficult, but Mom and me went back to work and that was good for us. I had a pap appt. tuesday and I had a hard day. I was emotional, I had to wait over an hour to see the Dr. and was pissed, then the nurse said my blood pressure was a little high and it came up about Dad and then I kind of lost it and started crying. Then I had to go pee in a cup, bawling my eyes out, then the Dr. came in, I couldn't stop crying...but they were nice and I got through it, got to work at 1:30, then had a crying spell was a bad day. But the rest of the week was OK. It's odd how it hits me now and then. I'll think of something and then the tears come. Friday I took myself on a date (yes, pathetic), but not really, because we all need to treat ourselves well and in my effort to have some 'me' time, I decided to go to the movies after work. I took myself to dinner, went to see the Da Vinci code (soso...I'd give it 6 out of 10), went to Borders and bought 2 paperback books AND a magazine (guiltfree btw!) and then I even enjoyed a scoop of Ben and Jerry's Butter Pecan on the way home. While watching the credits (no, not all of them, that bores me to death, I thought that Dad would have liked that movie. He loved to go to the movies.

I can't pics to upload, I'll try later. I'm reading a great book called The I Hate To Date Club

It's a great quick read. It's quite touching and I admit I bought it because of the title, which is how i feel, but it's very enjoyable. I also got I was intrigued by the title, will check it out soon. Anybody else read this?

I've started a few different knitting projects but do not have the concentration to finish anything. So no new exciting knitting news.

But look at my ebay deal we got friday: I'm proud to say that I won this for a bid of $6.28!! Yes, that is right. This retails for $319.00 and even with shipping it was under a $100. I shopped petco, costco, petsmart, target, walmart...this was the best deal and look at it, Kiki/Tom seems to love it. He's not sure about it, sure that it's his to go and explore yet, but we really like it.

May 15, 2006
My Father passed away

My Father passed away this a.m. Here's his health blog if you want more info. I'm a tad bit numb right now. I'm glad he's not suffering, i don't think he did suffer, but he's with the Lord now.

May 14, 2006
Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to any of you Mom's out there. I'm up early this a.m. Going to leave kind of early for brunch. My cousin Cindy is getting into knitting and you just have to go look at her latest FO, i've never seen this pattern and it's just adorable. Check it out and send her some love, she's a new blogger too.

My Dad has been having some bad days, he wasn't feeling well at all yesterday. He threw up 3 times in the a.m. and he's not eating. Mom sat with him for awhile, but he's not talking and when he does it's very faint and he's sleeping a lot. Worried...

This is the only knitting content i have for you... Look at my Ebay finds I got yesterday in the mail!!

The yarn I got from the UK and it's really beutiful! She sent me a little more of the violet color because it was the end of the dye lot. It's a Merino laceweight and it's single ply. I couldn't help it, i had to try and knit with it last night, I used the Tulip color, the pinky one with little bits of green in it and it's gorgeous! Here's her stuff on ebay... . The other find was 10 pairs of knitting needles and i'm thrilled with them.

May 12, 2006
It's feeling like Summer

I know it's not quite summer but it's feeling like it in So. CA...It's so beautiful outside. And here I sit in a cold ass office, freezing in the AC. Geez, it's Friday and I want out of here already! Going to go to a Farmer's Market tonight with my friend and her girls. I haven't been to this one yet so I'm anxious to see what they have there in the way of fresh fruits and vegetables. I shouldn't buy any fruit because I'm getting one of those edible fruit bouquets for my mother. I'm too cheap to have it delivered for $12 bucks so I'm going to pick it up for her tomorrow. With the gas prices, I maybe should have had it delivered. I hope she likes it. I still have some shopping to do for her for Mother's Day from my brother and my Dad. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I'm suppose to take some time for myself, but I think that time is going to be tonight with Jul at the Farmer's Market. I want to take Mom to the movies this weekend too because my brother is not coming home and we can go just us. My brother is having a problem with his leg and in pain so he's staying in. We'll go see him Sunday. May go to Bristol Farms too this weekend and get some goodies for a small brunch at the house for Mom. That's enough rambling for now I guess....

But to all of you who are Mom's I wish you a Happy and Blessed Mother's Day! Enjoy your day and let your loves ones pamper and gush all over you!

It's feeling like Summer

I know it's not quite summer but it's feeling like it in So. CA...It's so beautiful outside. And here I sit in a cold ass office, freezing in the AC. Geez, it's Friday and I want out of here already! Going to go to a Farmer's Market tonight with my friend and her girls. I haven't been to this one yet so I'm anxious to see what they have there in the way of fresh fruits and vegetables. I shouldn't buy any fruit because I'm getting one of those edible fruit bouquets for my mother. I'm too cheap to have it delivered for $12 bucks so I'm going to pick it up for her tomorrow. With the gas prices, I maybe should have had it delivered. I hope she likes it. I still have some shopping to do for her for Mother's Day from my brother and my Dad. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day. I'm suppose to take some time for myself, but I think that time is going to be tonight with Jul at the Farmer's Market. I want to take Mom to the movies this weekend too because my brother is not coming home and we can go just us. My brother is having a problem with his leg and in pain so he's staying in. We'll go see him Sunday. May go to Bristol Farms too this weekend and get some goodies for a small brunch at the house for Mom. That's enough rambling for now I guess....

But to all of you who are Mom's I wish you a Happy and Blessed Mother's Day! Enjoy your day and let your loves ones pamper and gush all over you!

May 10, 2006
Not much to talk about

I haven't updated in a while but it seems there's not a whole lot to talk about. It's just work, go to see Dad, get my brother on Saturdays, see my counselor once a week, nothing exciting. As of today i'm going to try and get more "me" time in my week. I'm making efforts to lose weight, still struggling getting on plan, but today was a fairly good day. It was a start. I haven't done a lot of knitting lately, but i did start a pair of socks w/the handyed Merino from Zen Garden and it's lovely. I'm just not sure about the pattern, i want to try a new pattern so i'm not sure I'll continue with it.

I hate men right now and am not going to date, so big woo. I should just go to bed. I'm tired.

My parents just celebrated their 42nd anniversary yesterday. Aren't they cute?!

Here's a pic of my kitty. We call him King Tut when he looks like this. Sometimes he just knows he's regal.

May 5, 2006
Cinco de Mayo

Today is Cinco de Mayo, we have many celebrations here in Southern California. Years ago I loved today because it was my work anniversary at a company that I loved. We always celebrated Cinco de Mayo and my anniversary. Found myself trying to say numbers 1-30 today while on my way to work. uno, dos, tres, quatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nuevo, dies, once, doce, trece, catorce, quince... i'm sure i butchered the spelling and can you finish the rest to thirty? I need to brush up on my Spanish, I understand it OK, but am afraid to try and speak it because it's been so long. We have a lot of Spanish Speaking customers and I really need to be more fluent and comfortable with it.

My Dad is doing better, he's eating well, speaking more and not disoriented. I didn't go see him last night, I had to wait for them to pick up the hospital bed from the house. Mom ran up to see him and she seemed pleased that he's better. We'll go tonight and I'm sure we'll take my brother to see him sometime this weekend.

I've been on an ebay streak lately, it's my retail therapy. I've gotten a great pair of Gap Jeans for $10 and some Mary Engelbreit prints that I'm going to frame for my office, they were cheap, like $.99 and $1.99, I've won some great yarn from the UK that hasn't arrived yet. I've won a ME framed print. My Mom is kind of like, what are you getting today?... but hey, I'm getting deals and I'm enjoying it. The best purchase has been my Louis Vuitton handbag which I absolutely adore. I'm using it now, I've gotten several compliments, I just love it.

Have to clean my room this weekend...It's just atrocious. And some knitting would be nice too.

May 3, 2006
Hanging in there.

Today is the day I was suppose to re-test but after trying to study last Saturday and being interrupted by the phone and having to deal with transferring Dad to a Hospice care facility, there was just no way that I could concentrate on it and take the time to study. I talked to my bosses Monday and said I'd pay for the rescheduling fee, they were totally understanding and sweet about it, didn't want me to worry about THAT of all things and they told me if I needed time, to just take it. My one boss gave me a hug and said she knows how it is, she lost her Dad awhile ago. They laughed and said, oh, you scared us, we thought you were quitting... I said no, I like it here, so they were happy. Then I called the Dept. of Ins. and got this sweet man who asked why I was rescheduling and when I told him he gave me his direct# and said to call him and he'll take care of rescheduling me and he won't charge me. There are still decent people in the world.

So Dad did move to Hospice care Sunday night and he's OK, comfortable, but not doing great. I don't know what'll happen. He was disoriented last night, he asked my Mom, "Where am I?" It just broke me heart.

No knitting to speak of. My friend and I were going to meet tonight at a Knit shop and spend some time together but i forgot my knitting and I want to go see Dad after my counseling.

Thank you all for your prayers and kind words. Big hugs.