June 30, 2006

My back started really hurting yesterday while at work, it's put me in a bad mood. :) I had to take pain pills yesterday b/c of it. It's better today, but I just feel blah....I want to just go home and hibernate, go to bed. I just don't feel well.

I have to work Monday so no big plans for a long weekend. I haven't posted much because of my attitude. The only thing that I feel is a positive is that someone told me something that really struck me. It's regarding Mr.TD. She told me that his bad behavior which showed his bad character has nothing to do with me and my worth. SO TRUE!! It just made a difference to me.

We're BBQ'ing and having my friend's over on the 4th, I'm looking forward to that. I've got about 4" done on Dixie's Blankie, it's really fun to knit but knitting it all as one with all the different colors....you should see the yarn tangle I end up with. I'll take a pic and show you later. But I'm still enjoying it and I think it's coming out really nice. The problem is, it's going slow and all I want to do is knit. That's not a good thing sometimes when you have things to do.

June 26, 2006

All I'm going to say about the weekend was that he's a very rude man and I will have nothing to do with him further. I came home early and am disappointed (in him), but don't worry, I'm fine. I just will not accept being treated in any way but as a gentleman would treat a lady. Another toad...A tall, dark toad. His handsomeness went away with his behavior.

Yesterday I went to a Luau at my brother's care facility, it was a lot of fun, they had Hawaiian/Tahitian dancers and food for the residents. Then I went and had a drinkiepoo with a friend and Mamacita and then Mamacita and I went to a friend's daughter's dance recital that we go to every year. What a great show! It was a jungle theme and they did a great job, as ever!

Got the yarn in the mail on Sat. for Dixie's Blankie and I actually swatched to figure out the proportions of the Blankie. We'll see how my calculations come out. I got it going last night, I couldn't resist. And I love the color combination so far. I've changed the pink blocks to stockinette and not a seed stitch, but I still may change that. I may do a stockinette border within the block and a seedstitch center. I'm trying to get the right proportion of color and texture. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this yarn from Knitpicks. It has the perfect feel that I wanted for baby. I really don't like that poofy, fluffy stuff for baby. This Shine from them is so soft. I just love it.

June 22, 2006
Happy Girl

He's back to Mr.TDH and I'm a happy girl!...

I'm going away for the weekend to the desert to spend time with Mr.TDH. Hope to have pics so you can see how handsome he is! I'm going with no expectations. I'm going to relax, spend time with him, and have FUN!!! Perhaps I'll get some sun, but not the lay out by the pool kind, cuz that ain't happening! It's gonna be hot though and I love the heat and I've taken to wearing my hair naturally curly so that is not a big deal.

I should have my yarn for Dixie's Blankie delivered by the time I leave and I know I'm going to want to get going on that, I may have to be a yarn geek and bring my project with me. He might as well know from the start that I'm a yarn geek! :)

June 20, 2006
Thanks for the suggestions!

How about this? And of course the blocks will all be uniform (unlike my paint drawing! :) )

June 19, 2006
Whatcha think?

How about this:
You can disregard the Cable on the right hand side, i was trying to show that the off white around the border and going vertical between the squares will be a band of cables. I love the idea of a Letter on here for the baby's name which is Dixie, so not sure where i will put that yet. I may knit it first, make sure Grandma like's it and ask her if she wants her initial on there. Now to pick a yarn!

I heard from Mr.TDH and he's been really sick with a cold/flu he woke up with on Monday, trying to get to his new job, working early and late. I think i'll give him the benefit of the doubt. We'll just see how he acts from here.

Mom and I had our massage tonight....OMG....she is GOOD!! I feel great!! She really worked on me. I love her. She's coming back next month.


Mr. TallDark&Handsome has become Mr. ICantFigureOutHowToUseAPhoneOrI'mSoRudeICantEvenCallHerBack ...... whatever.

I have been commissioned to make a baby blanket for a special someone and I need your knitting creativity ideas or opinion of my idea. The Mom-to-Be is young and hip and her house is decorated in "Mid-Century Modern" which I'm told is similar to Minimalistic. The baby we know is a girl and her nursery is going to have pale pale pink walls and a green accent color and painted with a japanese pink lotus blossom design. So with that in mind and after trying to find a pattern i've decided i'm probably going to have to make my own pattern and what i am thinking is a pale pink with a pale green and maybe an off white and it's going to be bigger blocks of those three colors with a cable between the blocks and a cable around the border. Imagine a block of nine with those three colors and the off white cable running vertical and on the outside. Can anyone envision it? Do you have any other ideas or patterns, anything would be most appreciated. The yarn i'm thinking of is a soft cotton or a cotton/cashmere, nothing synthetic for this one. I'll take yarn suggestions too!

The lace scarf i was working on was frogged again because I got a lace knitting book from ebay and decided it'd be better knit in this different pattern. It's pretty but i'm going to put it down to concentrate on my commission.

I'm getting things done people and i'm feeling good about it. I'm getting my car situated and my i'm getting a passport (because if you read up we're all going to need one by the end of 2007 anyway). And I must be prepared for when I meet that wonderful man who wants to take me to Paris or Venice!!!

Getting a massage at the house tonight. I can't wait! It's a full body massage and it lasts almost an hour. Mamacita is having one too. It's our do good thing for us today!

Have a great week!

June 15, 2006

Mr. TallDark&Handsome has not called me yet. I'll be surprised if he doesn't, but if he doesn't I'll be OK too. I know that he started his new job this Monday and he works early afternoon till 11 or so, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now.

It's been a month since Dad has been gone and I can't believe it. A whole month. I miss him. I've taken to sitting in his chair. I use to sit in the tea room with my mom and knit and watch TV but now I like it in the garden room, sitting in his chair, watching his TV. Mom comes out there too.

I sold his bowling shoes on ebay, not for a lot of money, but more than I'd get at a garage sale. The new owner left me positive feedback but stated that they were more worn than he imagined. ?... I described them accurately and I'm leaving it alone b/c he left a positive feedback overall.

I am doing some lace knitting of a scarf, I promise pics soon. I've been doing just a few rows at a time. Still can't seem to concentrate on anything for a long period of time.

I'm taking better care of myself, writing my food down, which I use to hate doing. But there is no judgment, I'm just writing it down, good or bad and I'm feeling good about it overall. And I've started taking a good multi-vitamin and can tell the difference in my skin for one. I feel a little better but think I'm having a bout of Epstein Barr again. The fatigue is bothering me and I think when I get stressed it happens. These last months have caught up with me. So although I'm making good efforts, my body is still struggling.

I'm taking up oil painting. I use to do that when I was a kid, believe it or not and I was fairly good. Let's see how I can do now. I just feel like I need another creative outlet and I've wanted to start painting again for some time. I've gotten my paints and brushes, and a book on oil painting on ebay! Now all I need is some canvases and get crackin! I can't wait. I have some ideas in my head of what I'd like to paint, let's see how it comes out.

June 14, 2006
Thought of the Day

Don't be a duck. Be an eagle. Ducks quack and complain.
Eagles soar above the crowd. - Wayne Dyer

June 12, 2006
The Good and the Bad

The Bad News: the tickets fell thru for Andrea Bocelli and I was more than bummed....I don't even know who these people are but someone decided that they'd take their sister and so they weren't available....WWWWWWAAAAAAAAHHHHH

The Good News: I had a date with Mr.TallDark&Handsome and he was even more than that! I actually had fun! We met at an outdoor market place and we sat and had a few Corona's and talked and laughed and had some chips and salsa and shared a plate of enchiladas. We got up and shopped and I just enjoyed myself. He made me feel good about me. I know you have to do that for yourself but I liked how I felt around him. I'm hopeful to see him again.

June 9, 2006
OMG, guess where I get to go!!!!

Holy Moley, I'm so excited!!! Guess who I'm going to see perform Sunday!!! Guess..... My boss wasn't able to go and thru a friend of a friend of his I'm going to see HIM!!! Can you believe it, oh I'm so excited! Haven't been this thrilled in a long time! I'm taking my dear sweet Mamacita with me. She loves to go to the Hollywood Bowl and has taken me in the past, so it's my turn to take her. And the tickets include a shuttle from a place close to the house, which is the only thing that would have sucked, so we're set. Well, we will be when I go get the tickets tomorrow. They aren't too far away but I felt better picking them up instead of having them sent fedex. And guess who'll be there performing next month?....Tom Jones!!! I know, my 24 year old coworker confirmed it, I'm old....but hey, I love Tom Jones. Ever since when I was about 22 or 23 and my dear Mamacita called me at work one day and said, Honey, would you drive me to Universal Studio and go to a concert with me? And I knew she hated freeways and would never venture her way there and I got to go to a concert to boot, so I said, sure, who are we going to see....Tom Jones!! I scrunched my nose, making a face like, ewwww, and said, Maaaaaw????Tom Jones?... like HOW could she ask me to do something like THAT? She says, Oh come on honey, he's good looking and his music is great, I want to go so bad. OK. No, it was more like OHHHHHKAAAYYYY.. I mean geez, she birthed me, just take her to the dang concert. And you know what....I fell in love with him! I don't care to know how old he is now and I don't know how old he was then but all I know is he looked good in his pants, oh, I mean, he looked really healthy. And I really like his music, it was just a great show and he's lucky cuz I almost turned into one of those girls who are known to throw their undies at him! There will be no undie throwing if I go next month, but it'd be great to see him!

June 5, 2006

A dear friend sent me the cutest little magnet that is displayed proudly on my computer at work. It says this:

Believe in Yourself

Believe in Yourself -
in the power you have
to control your own life,
day by day...

Believe in the strength
that you have deep inside,
and your faith will help
show you he way...

Believe in tomorrow
and what it will bring -
let a hopeful heart
carry you through...

For things will work out
If you trust and believe.
There's no limit
to what you can do!

-Larry S. Chengges
It was a really nice thing for her to send to me, and with all the changes going on with Dad's death, it was really nice to know she cared. And I love what it says. It'll be my mantra for now.
We (Mom and my brother and me) met my friend at Chuck E. Cheese's this Sat. We went to pickup Gary and went over there for lunch. I myself have never been to that establishment and was quite intrigued to see what it was all about. It's about pizza, and soda, and games and animals, and NOISE. The pizza was actually very good, we enjoyed that. But the 3 year old twins couldn't have cared less about the pizza, they wanted to PLAY!!! They were so adorable, it was a lot of fun watching them and being a kid again. I found a game my brother could do and he did really well and won 124 tickets! That's a lot people in the Chuck E. Cheese world! He got a coin trick thingy and an ugly blue plastic bug and a blue metallic salamander lizard thing that I want for my computer. FUN!!
My brother won another award, he is Student of the Year I guess and his award show is tomorrow night. Pics to follow! Yeah Gary!
My friend and I are going to take Skeet shooting lessons next week hopefully. I use to do this years ago and loved it so I'm going to get back into it. It's outdoors, potential to meet people (men), and it's a way for my friend and I to get out of the house once a week. And I'll be a good shot!Hopefully.
Here I am saying I hate men, blah blah and so what do I do? I joined eharmony! And there's one special one but I'm reluctant to talk about it, so I'm not for now. We'll just see how it pans out. But he's tall, dark and handsome and that's enough info for now.

June 1, 2006

Anyone need a pair of bowling shoes? How about a cute oriental style handbag? :)