September 28, 2006
The Last Knit

I've been trying pretty much all day to post this youtube video in a proper way but I can't figure it just go here to see The Last Knit. It's a little long, but I am so impressed, you have to check it out.

Would you believe I feel like I have the flu!!! My big day tomorrow and my body aches and I've been in the bathroom....all afternoon. I'm pissed. But maybe it's just my nerves, that is my hope. I have some pepto in me and some airborne and I may be headed to bed soon.

I allow my love to flow freely. My supply of love is endless.

The affirmation is wonderful. Everything is colored pink for me right now. Yes, I'm seeing life thru rose colored glasses. And there's little pink hearts falling around the edges too. And there's this lovely sweet music playing. And it's beautiful. And I'm so praying that I don't end up feeling like an idiot, but whatever, this is how I'm feeling today and tomorrow will be the beginning of whatever it turns out to be. I'm so excited about this weekend. Prayers, please pray and anyone else, send us good and loving thoughts, ok?

I'm hoping that I will be having so much fun and just no time to post over this weekend, so you all have a wonderful weekend and be sure to let your loved ones know how much you love them!

September 26, 2006
I give thanks for everything that is lovingly supplied to me.

I wanted to make a quick post for the simple fact that I really like today's affirmation which is the title today. It made me think of things that I'm thankful for and I think it's good for you sometimes to make a reality check and really see the things you can be grateful for. I'm not trying to get all philosophical or the universe supplies me....blah blah... but when you think of it, a lot of us, particularly in the U.S. are so lucky. I'm thankful to be born in a country where I have basic freedom, where I can believe in whatever God I want. And it's as simple as that, some people are born into situations where they have no control and that is awful. I'm thankful to be American, no matter if the justice system is sometimes infuriating and seems to protect criminals.

My short list of things I'm thankful for:
*Being American
*Having a Mother who is decent and loving and that I want to be around.
*Having a loving brother.
*Being able to live with my mother.
*Having a special someone in my life whom I'm so happy to get to know.
*My animals who bring me so much joy.
*Having really great friends and family.
*Enjoying my job and having good coworkers.
*The love of learning.
*Knitting and crafting.

What are you grateful for today?

September 24, 2006
Lazy Sunday

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Happy Sunday! I haven't posted all week. It's been a busy week and I haven't had a lot of knitterly news. I need to get busy again on the Samantha sweater for my Special Someone's daughter. He is aware that I most likely will not have it done by next Friday when he gets here! Oh my, it's really happening! He'll be here next Friday! I took Friday off and I'm picking him up at the airport at 11:30, taking him to his hotel and then we may go bum around at the beach that afternoon. That evening we're going to visit a couple who are friends of his for dinner. I'm looking forward to that.
Yuki came this morning for my massage and not a moment too soon because I've been bothered all week with a neck ache and pain into my right arm. Today the shoulder/neck was feeling better but she really worked on me and I feel so much better now. Plus my whole body is relaxed.
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Is it possible that Mitchypoo is getting organized? Nah, but I did get this neat basket to put some of my yarn and UFO's in to sit by the chair. Much nicer than having that just laying around.

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My Baby Simba
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And of course, we can't forget my crazy cat Tom.

We saw the movie Little Miss Sunshine yesterday and I loved it! It was cute and funny and dramatic. There was a part in the movie that I laughed so hard that I could not breathe. I really like Steve Karrell, he was good in this movie, but I just cannot get into the TV show The Office. I don't know why.

Dang it! My Vikings just blew the game against Chicago... sigh.

September 18, 2006
Knit a Square for Grandmother Purl

Some of you, probably a lot of you, have heard about our dear sweet Crazy Aunt Purl. She is one of the blogs I tend to read daily, because of her humor, quirkiness, etc. But CAP has a Grandmother who is in a convalescent center and someone has come up with the idea to have all us crafty people who are so inclined to donate squares to be put together for a blanket for her dear Grandmother. It's a great story and CAP has given me so much in the way of her writing that I am so happy to do this little thing for her.

So, calling all knitters, crocheters, donaters! Go take a look, you can click on the button above or on my sidebar and see if there's something you can do to help. I think it's great fun giving back to someone who is truly an original and also a caring and concerned Granddaughter.

I posted a new Trivia subject on our Trivia, we're going to try the 1980's! Come and join us and invite your friends, the more the merrier!

Going to bed really early, I'm tired and I have a kink in my neck. And I heard on the news today that being over tired contributes to weight gain and problems! Finally, a real reason to nap and sleep!

My special someone will be here in less than 2 weeks! So excited about his arrival! I simply cannot wait to see him. I was looking at my journal today and in January I had written a list of how I was feeling in my relationship at the time and what I wanted to feel/be in a relationship and it's amazing how unhappy I was in that relationship and how many traits my special someone seems to have at this point. I know it's new and there's so much that can happen, but so far, this relationship is something I've always wanted and hoped to have.

September 14, 2006
I speak positively with others and listen with compassion.

Mamacita has vertigo. She has to go to a neurologist to figure out how to get rid of it. It's caused by grains of something and they have to dislodge them somehow. But she's feeling much better, she still gets that dizzy feeling when she moves a certain way, but she's able to drive and work.

We went to a Bereavement class Tuesday night that is going to be held for 8 weeks at a church not too far from us. It was a nice group, nice people and I think it'll be good for us. Mom and I went and my friend met us there. She's had a lot of family tragedy in the last couple years and has attended about 42 funerals in the last 2 years but her biggest loss was losing her younger brother, that was a hard one. We were all given a booklet to read thru and write in.

My special someone will be here in a couple weeks and I'm still so excited about his trip!

I promise to have a knitting post real soon, I have been working on dishcloths, almost ready to send to my pal. My pal doesn't have a blog and I tried to email her and ask her a questionnaire so I'd get to know her and know what she likes, but she would have none of it. So it hasn't been so much fun for me. I wanted to make it special for her, but not sure how I can at this point.

September 12, 2006
I release any feelings of competition or comparison. I simply do my best and enjoy being me.

My affirmation today again was what I needed to hear. There was a situation with my paycheck over the weekend. A problem with payroll and it was upsetting and confusing, but I started thinking that it only happened to me, and probably not my coworker and that was just wrong of me. There was no need for me to feel that. It wasn't anything personal and there was no reason for it to only happen to me and I found out, it happened to her too. It was resolved today and all is well. It would have been resolved yesterday but I didn't make it to work. My dear Mamacita woke me up at the ungodly hour of 15 before the buttcrack of dawn... scared and telling me she was dizzy and not feeling well. She was washing her hair in the sink, a habit that bugs me cuz I think it's bad for her back....but that's another subject. And the room started spinning. Poor thing, she was scared but we figured out that it's probably a change in medication. I got up a couple hours later for work, jumped in the shower, but had to help her to the bathroom, and when I got out of the shower I told her, I can't leave you alone like this and she agreed. So I got a day off, made her some breakfast and lunch and dinner, did stuff around the house, took a righteous nap!, and just watched TV. She started feeling better later that afternoon and today is going to a regularly scheduled dr. visit and will discuss it with the Dr.

Later tonight we're going to a grief class or meeting at a local church. My friend is meeting us there. I hope it's good, not sure what to expect. I've been dealing with it pretty well, but it's a difficult thing.

Forgot to tell you all to please come join us at the Knitting and Losing Trivia Tournament! We're doing Seinfeld Trivia this week! Just click on the link and you'll go right to the tournament.

September 10, 2006
May I Present the Chili Cookoff Queen!

Here she is....the one on the left! My dear Mamacita WON the 21st Annual Shubin Chili Cookoff yesterday! It was so exciting. Out of 15 entries, she was #1! The party was a lot of fun, there's was a ton of food, drink, really nice people. When mom won she said a little something and said how her husband had won in 1989 and her daughter won in 1999 (that was me!), and she was happy to win and that we had lost Dad in May and knew he was smiling down on us and happy she won. It was touching. She won a medal and a chili glass, and a chili trophy and chili placemats and napkins. Looks like we will be changing the dining room into a chili theme for awhile.

I've got a headache today, maybe PMS headache but I also had too much sugar yesterday, some wine and a brandy nightcap, think it all did not agree with me. I'm also complaining today of a general ache in my left hand and arm. It started last night, it woke me during the night and is bugging me today. I might think it's carpal tunnel except I haven't been knitting as much and why in one arm? Will try an aspirin after I eat.

The other blondie in the pic is my best friend Julie...she looked really great yesterday in her black and red outfit. She's probably the best friend a girl could have. One of her best friends Tawnya also showed and it was nice to see her. I went to Highschool with Tawnya but we weren't as close as they are, but I really enjoyed seeing her yesterday. She said maybe us 3 could get together for lunch or dinner which I would really like.

Talked to another childhood great friend yesterday. And she admitted that she looks at my blog almost everyday but I would never know that because she has NEVER left a comment...hint hint! So Mary....I'm going to blog things about you until you comment and say hello! I'll shame you into commenting! Just a warning!... :)

September 8, 2006
I truly believe that we are here to bless and prosper each other. I reflect this belief in my daily interactions.

It's Official! My Special Someone is coming to visit! Woohoo!! I'm so very happy that we've gotten to this point that he would think enough of me/us to take the time and money to come here for us to meet in person. There's a part of me that I feel that I know him already, I know that sounds cliche, but it's true. A part of my soul knows him. I need to see him in person, touch him and know he's real. Our hearts have met on some level, the possibilities of what could be is scary and exciting and terrifying and nervewracking, romantic, all at the same time. But I know that God is leading me and what will be is what is right for both of us. I have no expectations, no real expectations because we need to see if this something that we have developed is real in person. How is it different? It just is. I feel connected to him, I've gotten to know him on the phone and our other communication. He's let me in, I've let him in, but will he feel the same after we are able to spend some real time together? Will I? I'm hopeful and happy to meet him.

September 7, 2006
Opportunities are everywhere. I have unlimited choices.

The title of today's post is my affirmation from my Louise Hay calendar. I think it's a great way to pick a title, perhaps the affirmation will be the words you need to hear today. Often when I read the days affirmation it is just what I need for that day. I am rereading Louise Hay's book You Can Heal Your Life, a copy of it is on my sidebar and if you have not read it, I HIGHLY recommend it. I read it many years ago and there were so many things in it that I needed. Truly, it changed my life. I got to a point, right before I made the move to MN, that I felt someone else needed it more than me and so I gave it to her. I'm not sure she ever read it, but I hope she did. I have always wanted to get another copy since, but I always put it off, I'd look at it in the book store, I'd practically lust after it, but put it back. The other day I went to find another book and could not find it, but what did I find...that book. And it was time. I have my book back and I'm rereading it, and again, it's just what I need. I'm so enjoying reading it again. It's helping me to try and stay positive.

I'm back to work today and feeling good. I brought a nice lunch today, a nice salad with baby greens, and grape tomatoes and organic carrots. It's BBQ day across the street so my coworker and I will split an order of BBQ chicken to get some protein in my meal.

Please come and visit our Knitting and Losing Trivia Tournament. You can play daily. It's been a lot of fun so far and after a month I'll have options of choosing topics, so that'll be great.

I'm working on a dishcloth right now for the exchange and I'm working with the organic cotton that I found. What lovely yarn. I'll show you a pic when I'm done. The yarn feels kind of hard while knitting, but oddly, when the knit fabric is below the needles, it feels soft and wonderful. And it's suppose to just get better with washing. I scored a cone of this same cotton on ebay and so I have a lot of dishcloth pattern ideas in my noggin. I'm also looking for a deal on a table loom. It's another thing I've always wanted to learn, weaving. I want to start with a smaller table loom and try my hand at dishcloths, then I'll maybe invest in a larger loom.

Have a great day and isn't it great that it's already Thursday!!?!

September 5, 2006
Long sigh.......

What a mess... Dixie's grandma came by to visit tonight and instead of asking me how much she OWED me, she gave me a thank you card from Dixie's mom as if I made the blanket from me. I guess there's a lesson to be learned from it, but I'm so disappointed because I put a lot of time into it and I was happy to have my first commission and it just turned out so wrong. Perhaps I should have been more assertive, but I kind of feel like she just showed bad character by not asking how much? She asked me to make it, she said at the beginning to let her know how much the yarn was. Perhaps I should have tonight, but I was thinking maybe the note was from her and maybe a check or cash. The other problem is that she is like a family friend, I've known her forever and you kind of give people like that the benefit of the doubt. Well, OK, for now, I'm terribly disappointed, but I suppose I'll get over it. Dixie (the baby) is here and mom and baby are doing well, I'm happy about that.