September 29, 2005

I'm not working tomorrow, i have to have some time to get this yard sale together. My coworkers hubby is bringing me some tables to put stuff on, the weather is suppose to be good, it's just if i can get everything outside to sell. And i have some stuff that was given to me that i want to sell but i'm afraid of offending my cousins... do they care? I don't know. The tension is pretty constant in my neck and i've been having headaches lately. I went to my energy healer last night, and i felt wonderful when i left there, but it's back again this a.m.

The cruise of the Lake with my coworkers was nice, but i felt like a 5th wheel. And i felt bad that my boss paid for him to be there. And after a drink on the cruise and a brandy when i got home, i called the big fat idiot and left him a voice mail saying that i don't know what i did, or what upset him, but that i was so surprised that he would act so rude. So i shouldn't have wasted my breath, I'm sure, but i wanted to tell him how i felt. Big whoo, like he'll care.

God answered a prayer, i got my lost tax check yesterday!! Woo hoo!! It really took a lot off my mind. Now i won't need as much help with the move.

The Walmart guy hasn't called...whatever.

I shouldn't be knitting but i am working on a round cotton doily for a coworker. I need an outlet after packing. And i'd like to give it to her before leaving. And i created our logo for our coffee house/yarn shop and my soon-to-be partner loved it and approved it. It is really cool. Can't wait to show you.

September 27, 2005

At the risk of seeming a bit obsessive, this is my 3rd post in 1 whole day....i came upon this post on Yarn Harlot. She is just hilarious, she gives me belly laughs, but you have to call this 1-877-SOS-KNIT if you are or know a knitter. It's toll-free in Canada and the US. Talk about creative! There's even a message for your dear hubby or partner regarding your holiday wish list. Check it out.

This hasn't happened in years!

I had something happen last night that hasn't happened in years, not that way anyway. Well, first of all I had an impromptu dinner date last night with the guy that has been trying to arrange a date with me for months, I was bugged by him, it was just one thing after another with him, he could never work it out, so I had given up, but he called me yesterday (he had called earlier in the day and said he wanted to meet for dinner), so he was in town and would I meet him. I told him I had to go home and let Simba out but then would go to the restaurant, we might just have a drink. He told me what car he was in and was parked to a yellow car behind the restaurant. I get off the offramp, I see the bright red car next to the bright yellow car, I go behind the restaurant, and it's red car.....I'm like......wwwwhhhhaaaattt????? So I get my phone out to call and I end up meeting him in the parking lot, he said he was driving to the front to see if I was whatever. He doesn't quite look like his pic, he's taller, he's balder (which I don't mind), and he's much shier in person. But we ended up having dinner and it was ok. He was distracted, he was watching this couple give the waitress a hard time, he just wasn't connecting with me. He'd probably disagree and say he was engaged. He has always made sexual references and says he's kidding, but he wasn't interested in knowing me, I think he was looking for a quick lay. Not me.... and then dinner was over and he was ready to go, and so was I but he had to go to meet some friends to watch the Monday night football game. He obviously doesn't care to try and make a good impression on the first date. Just not a great date, although he said he'd like to see me again, whatever...

So then this is what happens that hasn't happened in years. I went home and then had to go to Walmart and I also had the crisis phones and wouldn't you know I got a call and had to try and handle it while in the towel aisle. So I'm done and looking for a thank you card and this guy comes up to me and says something about, excuse me, but I noticed something is wrong...and I got what he was saying and smiled, and then he says, ok, now everything is ok. So he starts yaking at me, but he's very nice, not pushy, and I guess I was in just the right mood but I sat and chat with him and then he asked if I'd like to go have coffee with him sometime and I said, well, I'm moving to CA in a couple weeks, but I'd have coffee with you. I guess I should be embarrassed to meet a guy in Walmart, but he really was sweet. He's a musician, he's latin and shorter, but cute, he has long hair, but it was cute on him. It just made me feel good for some reason. And then I called my mom to tell her like a highschooler, and i admitted that right before i left to go to the store i kind of had a small piddle accident, but just thought, oh, who cares, who'll see, i have black on, just go, so i did, and then while talking to mom i realized my zipper was down! Geez....but my sweater covered it, but the thought that i actually met someone with peed pants and zipper open. Such is my life...

Tonight my company is going on a lake cruise with people from the Chamber. My date, Eric, the big fat idiot, will not be attending. But I'm going to have fun anyway.

Self Portrait Tuesday

My first self portrait and the theme this month is body parts...

This is my first self-portrait. It's kind of hard to do this. The theme is body parts, so here is my eye. You can't really tell in this pic, but i have an eyelash that is extremely long, it's always been like that. It's atleast a 1/4 inch longer than the rest. Sometimes it falls out and then it grows again, but longer.

September 26, 2005
My Alphabetized Existence ~B~

My alphabetized existence:

Bayard~ My brothers name is Gary Bayard, the middle name comes from my dad's friend in the service. My brother has cerebral palsy and is in a wheelchair. He is mentally high-functioning. We've always been pretty close, i was his caretaker when i was pretty young. Anyway, I have always called him Gary Bear, it's just my nickname for him and no one else calls him that. Gary lives in a care facility during the week and comes home on the weekends. So they took him, a long time ago, to the DMV to get his identification card. He needed special help, so the employee filled out his form for him. He got his ID and was so excited and came home to show my mom. She looks at it and says, Gary, this says your name is Gary Bear? And he's like, ya? She says, that's not your name? He says, yes it is? She says no, it's Gary Bayard... he says, no it isn't? I had i guess convinced him that his name was Gary Bear and that's what he told the woman and that's his official name now according to the state of CA! And according to Gary Bear...
Berries~ I love berries. Strawberries, currants, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry, loganberry, boysenberry. When i lived in Oregon i did a lot of canning. One of my favorite memories was driving 1.5 hours away to the east side of the Cascade mountains to a town i can't even remember the name but i read about it in the paper and i went to pick blueberries. I went alone, i was alone a lot, but i was happy to be alone this trip. I took my big canning pot and found the place, they had groves of blueberry bushes in rows, in the open sun. As ground cover around the blueberry bushes they had lemon verbena growing. I can still smell it. It was intoxicating! I picked over 9 lbs. of blueberries! 9 lbs. Think about that. In the store you buy a package that is ozs. like 6 maybe, but i had over 9 lbs of the most wonderful, lush, sweet blueberries you can imagine. And they encouraged you to try them as you pick. I remember i got sunburned but i was so happy driving home with my loot. But also as i was paying, the guy says to me, you are a canner? Yes... well, i have these cherry trees right over here and the cherries are so ripe, they are falling off the tree, you can pick all you want for free, i just don't want them to go to waste. Hot damn! He supplied a ladder and all and then i found another container and i don't remember how much i picked, but they were falling off. No need for a cherry pitter almost. Most of them came off and left the pit on the tree, that's how ripe they were. They were pie cherries, but because they were so ripe, they were sweet. I made jam out of them and i'm still told that that was the best cherry jam ever. I'll probably never be able to reproduce it because i can't find fruit like that, so ripe again. In Oregon you could find wild blackberries along the road, you'd have to keep an eye out for them, but then you'd see a patch and screetch to a halt and hope you have a container to go pick. Oh, they were the best, sweet and huge and black. My MIL at the time thought that was the greatest thing, to find fruit on the side of the road.
brat~my favorite thing to say to a co-worker who delights in giving me grief. She always acts shocked when i call her a brat, but she loves it. :) And i'll miss her.

beach~I love the beach, i feel at home there. I'd rather be at the beach than the mountains. I love the ocean, the smell, the feeling of sand under my feet, seaweed, seagulls, shells, salt water, watching the waves, seafood, the sun. If i ever were able to, i'd like a place on the beach. It wouldn't have to be big, but i'd just love that. The beach is romantic, watching a sunset, or sunrise. It puts me in the mood...

On the knitting front, i did get one sock done from the beautiful sock yarn Buttons sent me and i started the other one yesterday afternoon. This sock/knitting thing really is a sickness. I lost one of my size 0 needles to complete the first sock, decided to leave it alone until after my move. Then i had to go to the LYS to find something for my Gimme Some Needles pal and do you think i could pass up getting another pair of size 0... well, whatever, i'm getting them done. I did NOT buy any more sock yarn for me, so see, i have SOME control!

I did get some packing done yesterday and that's what i'll be doing tonight and every night from here on out. And i'm having that yard sale this sat. Last sat. it rained all day which is good because i wasn't ready anyway.

And wow, am i crabby....the stress is getting to me. I'm getting tension headaches and i'd just like to rip someone's head off about now. I can't help it.

Only good news was this weekend I spoke to the pastor from mississippi and he is ok, but he lost his house. The good news is that he's alive. Then we promptly got cut off and i couldn't get thru again.

The x-bf i was worried about, well, i'm slightly psychic or something b/c he called my mom to find out how to get ahold of me. My mom cares for him, but he upsets her too because he's such a mess and gets me involved. She kind of gave it to him, told him he had to do something about his drinking. She said she was telling him that only because she cared for him, but he had a hard time hearing it. So i did try to reach him and did, but he couldn't talk, said he'd call back, i gave him my cell, but he never called. And he was served with divorce papers, i hear through the grapevine. Makes me sad, but i have to stay away for him.

Still no word from Eric....jerk.

Nothing to report on the weightloss front, i just can't concentrate on anything. Living day to day. Trying to drink my water today, i think i've been dehydrated.

September 22, 2005
I love Buttons!

Looky what I had in my mailbox yesterday!

It's my first SP6 package receipt and I feel like such a lucky girl! I'm just so tickled. I'll affectionately call my SP6 "Buttons"...well Buttons sent a really nice card (see on the far left), and a card for me to send that says Knit on the front and is all glittery, She sent some adorable Hello Kitty stickers (how'd you know i LOVE stickers?!), a Halloween Pez dispenser, some SOUR jelly bellies (yum!), a really cute note inside AND this beautiful Lana Grossa sock yarn! The last pair of socks i made was with this yarn and i really love it. Love how it stripes. So then i wasn't going to knit anymore because i need to be packing....but i couldn't just let that beautiful yarn sit there....could I?, no....So i did THIS last night.

Here's a close up. Isn't it beautiful how it stripes? So anyway, thank you Buttons, you are the best!

My boss has a daughter living in New York, she was there during 911, worked blocks away but she was fine. She just went to visit her and they visited Ground Zero and brought back this book for me, signed by the Author. It's called The Little Chapel That Stood by A.B. Curtiss. How cool is that? It's a children's book, based on a poem she wrote and her daughter encouraged her to make it into a book.

Feeling a little bad about losing a subscriber... I noticed that I lost a few subscribers according to bloglines and i checked on one and she did unsubscribe and it made me feel a little bad. I think (and i may be totally wrong) that she did it after i made a reference to my faith beliefs. She and I are very different but i enjoy reading her blog. Her life is nowhere like mine, but that's ok in my opinion. I guess i felt a bit judged. But I have decided that i'm not going to let this bother me because this is my blog and i'm going to be true to myself and who i am and if people are uncomfortable with that, that's okay. I'll continue to read her blog though. On the other hand i'm turning into a real bloggeek, because my counter topped over 900 and that made me smile...

My Alphabetized Existence. I got this idea from a friends journal. She is going through the alphabet to describe things in her own life. So i'm going to start mine soon. And once i get through the alphabet i may just add to it as i feel like. Oh lets see, maybe i'll start now.

~i don't like pithy apples but i think apples are beautiful. There's something very perfect about apples. Apple butter is my favorite thing to can. Maybe because it's so simple.
aunts~my favorite Aunt is my Aunt Carolyn. I guess i shouldn't be saying this because if my family read this it could hurt someone's feelings. I can't think of an aunt i don't like, but aunt Carolyn has always been my favorite. She is really down to earth. She finds the humor in life. She loves irony. She has a sarcastic nature that is attractive in some way. She's one of those people who when she sees you, you know she's happy to see you. She has a fantastic singing voice, but doesn't sing much, her sister was always known as the singer. She is the Aunt who one night my boyfriend scared me (about 20 years ago) and i called her and she came and picked me up and took me home without prying or bugging me about what happened. I needed her, she was there. I admire her. I have had funny names of Aunts. There was a great Aunt Skeeze and an Aunt Noogie. There still is an Aunt Toots. The other thing about Aunts is how my Aunt Carolyn would be pronounced like saying "Ant" because in California that is how it's said, but in MN, i have Aunts or pronounced "AUUHHHNTs" or like how it sounds in the word gaunt. Isn't that odd, i had the hardest time adjusting to that when i moved here, but my MN aunts are AUUHHHNts.. :)
arctophile~I use to be an avid one. I still like them, but i'm not so passionate about it. I have a lot of collectible figures from Boyd's Bears and i do like them, but haven't bought one in years.
alpaca~ they are beautiful animals and i love their fur. I have a whole bag on alpaca, shorn off the animal that i need to spin. Alpaca is very beautiful spun into yarn. Maybe when my life gets more together in CA.

I finally heard from my Gimme Some Needle Pal, she has just had a busy life lately. So i know a little more about her and will be sending a package to her soon.

And lastly, I hate men. They are little, icky, vile creatures....I just don't get them at all. So Eric, the one who we had such a nice dinner and he made it clear he WAS interested romantically...blah, blah. So he is suppose to go with me next week on a lake cruise with my work people and i haven't heard from him lately so i called and left a message, no return. He usually always will return the call. So i called again....nothing, it's been about a week. So i'm he ok? did he have a relapse (because he's known to avoid people when he does that), did he leave for Louisiana to help his parents?, did he get sick? So i couldn't stand it anymore and he always use to tell me to come by the golf range to see him, so last night i drove over there after work. I was figuring that he wouldn't be there, but i'd ask his coworker if he went to LA, i was sure that was what happened. So i pull up and there is his i pull down a little near where people hit golf balls and here he comes out of the club house, to meet a lady client who got there at the same time i did, he's walking toward the driving range, he sees my car, he's looking, he's talking to her. He lights a cigarette, he turns around and looks at me. He starts instructing her, turns around, but doesn't wave. And i just sat there and didn't move. I didn't want to interfere while he was doing a lesson, and i also was....pissed! I mean, what is the problem? What happened that he won't even call me back? He was so nervous, i'm sure he knew it was me, but then he didn't know for sure or i could here the wheels spinning in his head, is that michele?, why is she here?, should i go say hi?....i just left, i thought about calling and then said, why? Why bother? Vile, vile creatures...

September 19, 2005
Let the stalking begin....

Just kidding! Swear, i'd never stalk him, but it'd be my fantasy to meet him, and if he was possibly interested...A girl can dream right? But i did request tickets and we have tickets to go to the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson on October 14th !!! How can i contain myself...This is going to be fun. Think i'll ask my Mom and my friend Julie to go and maybe my Dad will want to too, he doesn't get out much. It's in Hollywood near Farmer's Market and I love that place, i'd like to go early and shop a bit. I just had to tell you!

Oh, and my GSN pal did email me today or over the weekend and i just got it, so sorry, dear. It was nice of you to say hi!

September 16, 2005

I'm not sure how analytical I am but I do know that I love to cook. Check out this great blog about cooking and this link is to a recipe for Beef Stroganoff. This is what I'm going to make for my family when I get home. We grew up on this but we always used the Lawry's dry sauce packet. Mom says it has to be Lawry's. But then she says they changed their packet and it's not the same, so I guess it doesn't HAVE to be Lawry's. There's nothing wrong with using the packet, it's what I'm used to, except that it has a gazillion grams of sodium in it, but I want to try it from this recipe. I love anything with mushroom in it. Doesn't this look good? I'm hungry and lunch is 15 minutes away. I'm looking forward to cooking more once I'm home. I just don't do it anymore because it's really not fun cooking for one. Actually, I'm going to be helping my friend from highschool out and I may be preparing meals for her 91 yo grandfather who lives down the street. He lives alone and needs some help. I may go clean for him and do some cooking. That'll actually be fun for me.

I crocheted a cloth last night using my grandmother's Afghan stitch that I'm going to hopefully get copyrighted. I have adapted it to my taste, changing the sizing, but it's the only crocheting I enjoy lately. Then I had some left over yarn, the one that I love the colors and it's too expensive and I made a crocheted bookmark out of it. Kind of cool if I do say so myself. Pics to follow... maybe tomorrow when I'm at work.

**I started this post Friday so it's Monday today and I'm continuing...

I'm in love! With Craig Ferguson. Did you see him on the Emmy's? Oh, my goodness....he is so handsome. He keeps me up too late at night b/c I just love him on the Late Late Night Show. I love his humor, I like that cute grin he gets. And the accent, the voice....he could talk me to sleep anytime. And he is a dog lover AND he also has a dog named Simba. He's a good age for me, 5 years older. He's the guy that my ex-hubby would say, "Well of course you like him, he's tall, dark and handsome". He was very fair and hated it that guys I was attracted to were always tall and dark... well, geez, I married him, didn't I?...anyway, I've been watching him for awhile now on his late night show and I just think he's a hoot. He has a way of telling a story. It can be about the silliest thing but he is definitely a story teller. And sometimes he gets a little naughty, but he's very subtle. He tapes the show in LA, I'm going to try and get tickets. Now, I'm not trying to be stalker like, but I would love to see him in person.

My poor sweet Mamacita....she was laid off work last Friday. Such a shocker. My mom is the best, really she is, and she is use to having routine. She worked for a company for over 30 years, in different capacities but that's a long time at one company. Then they sold and were moving operations to Tennessee, she'd never move from CA, so she went to work for a competitor which was a hard move for her, change and all, then they she works for another company...and then they outsource her job to New Zealand...well thank you very much. She wasn't so happy there but this was a shock. But I'm so proud of her. She has a great attitude, she knows the Lord is taking care of her and she said for the first time in her life, she was going to collect unemployment and find the right job for her. She will only work maybe for another 7 years (maybe more, she loves working) and I want her to find a place that will appreciate her. She's not nervous about flying out and driving back with me either, she really has no time constraints now.

I found a 1 lb. cone at WMart and unfortunately knit and crocheted too much this weekend and didn't get any packing done. I'm going to put it on hold for now I think until after the move. It's giving me anxiety. I have to get my move done. And one of the girls at work wanted to buy some of my dishcloths and I didn't know what to charge her. I decided $4 a piece, she paid me $5. That was cool. Here's a pic of some of my work.

This is the group of them, minus 3 that i sold...Image hosted by
This is them individually, the little ones are bookmarks i made from the ends of the yarn: Image hosted by
This is one in the pattern i'm going to copyright in my Grandma's honor: Image hosted by
Here's the 3 i sold, they are in a natural cotton color: Image hosted by

I'm not sure what to do about my Gimme Some Needles Pal. She has not posted her questions, she hasn't updated her blog in almost 3 weeks, i've sent ecards and emails from my anonymous email and no response? I've asked the hostesses of GSN and she said to keep trying and maybe just send her sock needles b/c i know from her blog she knits socks, but it's turning out not to be so fun to be her Pal. Well, maybe something came up and she's just not available, whatever. I have to just concentrate on taking care of her before i leave for CA but it'd be so nice if I knew more about her.

My SP6 Pal is really sweet, sending me notes and keeping in touch. My GSN Pal, well i'm not sure i've heard from him/her yet? I should go look...thinking of that now. Oh, i could have anyway but i'm so scattered right now. So don't be mad if you have contacted me and said hi.

I was a tad consumed with thoughts of the ex-bf this weekend. I guess i'm worried about him because he left me a mysterious message about 3 weeks ago at home. He said that he needed to talk to me, that there were a lot of changes going on, then he said, they were all good, but he needed to talk to me. He mentioned he was "getting out of there" which i'm not sure what it meant. I did try to call him back but it was busy, busy, all night and then the recorder and if he was home he would have picked up. My friend and her hubby haven't heard anything from him. And i disconnected my phone when i got my cell phone and he doesn't have that number, so if he called again... Truthfully i hope he went into rehab so he can get his life together. He really is a great guy but the drinking, it's destroying him. I shouldn't worry, he's not mine to worry about, but i can't help it.

September 15, 2005
pics of our parade

There are no pics of me, (thankfully), but this was some of the fun last Sunday. It was a fun day and i love small town functions such as this. The kids love it, it's like an early Halloween for them, getting candy and such. The parade was only 3 blocks long, but it draws a lot of people. A lot of the floats are pulled by antique tractors which I think are cool. Some of the floats are not floats at all. I saw a church parade entry that was a truck pulling a boat and the boat said "Fisher of Men". Small town life is good. I got a nice blister on top of my foot from my sandals, but didn't notice until that evening when it split open and started to hurt. I only wanted something cool to drink after the parade and a pork burger! Oh, nothing like a bbq'd pork burger, plain with mustard on it on a slightly crusty hamburger bun. Bet you can't get that in California. It's something i'll miss.

September 14, 2005
more pics

I guess you can only post so many pics in a post so here is the other pics...

You learn something everyday, isn't this neat. Check out the Jelly Yarn from Yummy Yarn. I've never seen it before and i use to work at a LYS. It looks like licorice that you eat. I think the flip-flops are adorable and when i get settled in CA i may make some for my future yarn/coffee house. Oh, did i tell you? best girlfriend from highschool and I are talking about opening a small coffee house/knitting store!!! Isn't that cool?! We're so excited and it's giving us a goal and something to work on although admittedly i haven't done a lot lately and won't take it up again until i'm in CA in October. But it's all ideas and concepts right now and i can kind of envision it in my mind. But it will be a partnership and so we have to decide this together.

Secret Pals

Oh, this is so exciting! I've heard from my SP6 pal who sent me a nice introductory email. She is also from MN so i like that. I have not heard from my needle exchange pal yet? I have sent a couple e-cards and introductions to my GSN recipient but she hasn't opened them and she has no answers to her questionnaire so i'm having trouble getting to know her and what she would like in the way of an exchange. I have also received my SP6 recipient who is just adorable, but haven't heard back from her yet. Lots going on in the knitting world. I've been busy making cloths and i'm in love with this yarn i got, but it's so expensive, i got 3 cloths out of it, but it was $13. Budget won't allow anymore. And on one of the groups i won some scrap yarn that is being sent to me. See how cool fiber people are, they have extra or left over but instead of throwing away they offer to send it to someone who will use it. There are lessons in all of this. I love fiber people.

I didn't go to group last night, i was too stressed with the move, but didn't get a whole lot done either. I'm just so tired. Aunt Flo came yesterday and is kicking my fanny. And guess what i had for dinner....cupcakes... :O Don't tell anyone...i'm embarrassed.

The night before i was doing crisis lines and got a call from a cop around 2:45 a.m.... i know, but i love this work. But what bothered me about this is that it was between a boy/girl siblings and they were taunting eachother with pot...ya, marijuana. And it got to the point where the boy hurt her and her stupid mom (who's also a pot head) watched the whole thing and wouldn't even call 911, although she did hand the phone to the for those who say pot is no big deal...i beg to differ. This boy now is a felon and this will affect him forever. Ya, a felon b/c there is a law in this state against choking and/or strangling. Not to mention that some day he's going to realize how he treated his sister, and realize what a crappy mom he has...there's nothing natural, casual or fun about it.

September 12, 2005
Q's for Gimme Some Needles exchange

1. What do you like to knit or crochet? (socks, sweaters, etc.)
I knit socks, sweaters, wash or dish cloths, scarfs, hats, I like it all...

2. What fibers do you like?
I love natural and dyed wool such as merino or really any wool that is suitable to be made into roving. I like silk caps to spin from. I love the feel of natural fibers but i also love the novelty yarns. Right now i'm enjoying knitting with cotton, doing a lot of Cloths for Katrina victims.

3. What type of needles do you use most often?
I'm not picky about needles, i'll use anything from plastic to whatever. The fancy needles in wood and ebony, those are lovely, but not sure i'd spend the money. I just saw some glass needles that were unusual and so cute.

4. Do you like to knit in the round?
I love to knit in the round, i like dpn's or circulars. I'd rather knit a sweater in the round, less to have to sew up and finish and cleaner looking. I love socks and of course those are knit in the round.

5. Do you use a magic loop method or any other we should know about?
I'm not even sure what that is? I've seen some knitting looms that i thought were very interesting. I have a knitting machine but haven't used it in years and it only does stockinette easily.

6. Are you interested in learning a new method?
Yes, loom knitting is interesting.

7. Do you have a favorite place that you shop online? (,,
I'm just learning about, their sock yarn is pretty and reasonable. I don't care where it's from, as long as it's knittable.

8. Do you want to be surprised? then erase all your answers above and write surprise me!!!
I like surprises and am going to try and keep secret to my pal until she gets my package! But I don't care if my pal keeps secret or not.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by

I booked my dear sweet momma's plane ticket to fly out and drive back with me! It's getting to be more of a reality every day about my move!! And i'm really starting to freak out about having a yard sale and packing up that house and moving. Geez....ok, breathe. It'll get done somehow.

Our parade and festival was a hit, we threw candy and frisbee's and cup holders and all kinds of crap...the float was pretty enough, but there was no one on it. The whole thing made my back hurt, but i was happy that i could do it at all. Afterward i looked for John, but he didn't show?... I called him on his cell, thinking maybe he couldn't find me. He sometimes has trouble with crowds so i should have known, but whatever. It was HOT, HOT, HOT, like 91 and HUMID! We were all just melting, i had no makeup left, my hair went curly...I watched the rest of the parade, sat and had a beer and a pork burger, and another beer, the parade was over and i was ready to go home.

Went to a LYS and got some beautiful cotton for Cloths for Katrina, went home and knit.

Got my Gimme Some Needles exchange pal today! What fun! Except we have 3 weeks to get a package out which will coincide with my move. So i'll have to plan early and get it in the mail on time... I'm wondering if i can keep myself a secret to her until it's over, i'm going to try. And i'm suppose to get my SP6 pal today too but haven't yet. Keep checking my mail...anxious. These are first exchanges. I think knitters, crocheters, fiber people are SO COOL!!!! I mean, they are just so sweet and giving and kind-hearted. Today I had a dear sweet fiberfriend offer to send me an extra copy of a knitting magazine, how cool is that? I'm sure others would think me crazy, but i love my fiberfriends!!

September 10, 2005

I had a dinner date with Eric last night. I met him this last march and i've always been crazy about Eric. He is from Louisiana (his family, including his son are fine), he's very handsome, very energetic, very sweet, really a good-natured guy. We have dated sporadically i guess i'd say, i've seen him maybe 8 times since March. But when we're together we have fun and he's a real gentleman, he's got that southern charm. Last time i saw him we went to brunch and he was telling me about how in his group they were talking about relationships and he wasn't sure he'd be ready for a relationship anytime soon. He's a recovering alcoholic and active in his mens groups. So i told him that we both had a lot of changes going on, but that i thought a lot of him. He kissed me goodbye that day, everything was fine, but i just got the feeling he wasn't interested. So last night we get to talking when they brought us chinese fortune cookies at the end of the meal and his said something about exagerrating with words when it comes to love and i can't even remember mine but it was love centered and i told him, have you ever heard that you are suppose to finish a fortune cookie with the words....between the sheets? So he reread it and it had a whole new meaning! So did mine. So he says, what are you saying to me?....and i'm like what?...he was trying to embarrass me. I said, "I didn't think you felt that way about me?" and he says, "What do you mean" and so i just told him, "Well, i just don't think you are interested in me romantically" and he stops me and says, "That's where you are wrong." I was taken back, but inside i was really happy. So we talked about it and he said he knows that i want a marriage and he's not ready, and i said, well neither am i, but eventually i want to be married. I don't want to just be in a relationship to be in a relationship. And we talked about how you can be committed without marriage although marriage is important to me. He told me that he was sorry that he gave me that impression, but he is interested in me, and romantically too, that he's always been. That he finds me attractive and he thought i was a good we walked out of the restaurant holding hands and we sat in his car and talked and kissed and he got a little handsy, but was still a gentleman. The thing is, since the beginning i've always felt chemistry with him, i mean that kind of chemistry where when i was driving home i thought about his kiss, his touch and he made me tingle... And now that we have this understanding, i'm moving to CA and he's leaving possibly the same day to go to Louisiana for most of the winter to help his parents, possibly move them to Florida, take care of some family investments and teach golf. But we also talked about the fact that it can be possible for us to still stay in touch and he could fly out or me there, we'll find a way if we want to.

So why am i meeting John, my friend from church, at the parade tomorrow? Well, i was interested in John too but i think he really is not interested and we have become good friends. He is a widower, about 52, but looks more like 42, honest to God. He also is handsome, although he would never think so. He's really struggled with the tragic loss of his wife from brain cancer, he had a very long 8-9 years with her being ill. So i want nothing but good things for John. He is a dear man.

I woke up with a migraine this a.m. The weather changed, it got real hot and humid again and I think the weather may trigger them, also my time of month, which is so due. So i'm afraid i'm headed for a serious nap this afternoon to try to sleep it off. I'm getting very sensitive to light now and sound is bugging me too. Just have to go home and go to my dark room and sleep. I'll have to pack later tonight.

I've made 3 cloths so far for Cloths for Katrina. They are cute. Not sure how many i'm going to try and make and send but i'm going to have to stop soon and pick it up again when i get to CA.

September 9, 2005

OK, so i don't get kicked off the purling puppies web ring and so you can see my beautiful baby Simba, here she is...
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and here is my pain in the butt cat, Tom Thumb, whom i do love also...
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Here is my house that i'm moving from. This was the beginning of winter i think. It's much prettier now:
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and finally, here are the socks that i knit over the 3 day weekend. The yarn is really cool, it is self-striping and i started the yarn in different places so they do not have matching stripes, i did that on purpose. Do you think i should have matched them? I like the look of them, i like them being different. I'm thinking of giving them to my energy healer. These are the ones that remind me of her, the colors are nice and cheery, like her.
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I got my hair cut yesterday! I just couldn't stand it anymore, it's been probably 6 months since it was cut and it felt awful and scraggly and long, so she cut at least 3 " off the back and i really like the cut, i told her what i was thinking of, long layers, something young and still long, and i told her to just do what she thought would be best. She was really great, gave me a great cut, she took almost an hour, starting with a neck and scalp massage, then when washing my hair, another scalp was heavenly. I was totally relaxed by the time she started cutting. I took a before pic, but don't have an after pic yet. So here is the before pic even though i hate this pic, i think i look tired, and fat...which i whatever...

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I told my co-worker not to take a pic of my fanny!...she did anyway kind of...we're going to be in a parade this Sunday. In Minnesota each little town has their own yearly festival it seems and we are going to have a float and walk down a 3-4 block stretch. It's quite the to do in town. We walk along side the float and hand out candy to the kids and company items like keychains, nerf balls, etc. Last year we had mardi gras beads and people went crazy for them, thankfully nobody flashed us! It's a lot of fun and afterward there is music and beer stands and food. My friend John may come down and join me after and we may go to the local church and have the chicken dinner that we hear is really good. Last year we had a flatbed pulled by an antique tractor and my back was so bad that i couldn't walk and had to ride on the flatbed, this year is much better!

Only had one call last night on the crisis phones, at 12:54... i hope i didn't sound like a blithering idiot, the cop knew he had woke me up, i apologized after and he said, oh you are fine, better than i'd be after being woke up. Again the incident had alcohol involved, it almost always does. So sad. Why would someone decide to share a bottle of 151 on their birthday with one other person? And this was not their **21st bday, you'd think they'd know better. But they don't.

**I'm trying to edit this. You know how you think about things at the strangest times? Well, i was just in the bathroom at work, and thought, you know, my comment about 21 year olds is really insensitive. So to anyone who i may have offended, i apologize. I do not mean that 21 year olds are stupid....maybe i should have put 13 year olds, not that they are stupid either, but i mean that this couple was of an age when they should have known better and they just didn't. So i just wanted to put in this edit to explain my comment.

September 8, 2005
OMG...Knitty is out!

The Fall issue of Knitty is here!! I love Fall/Autumn and the sweaters in this issue are lovely. And the Falling Leaves socks! They are gorgeous! And how cute is this Flora scarf! I have to do that, in fact, that might be a great Christmas project for my friends and family. Here's a link to the issue. Check it out! I need to go find some lovely sock yarn to do the socks. I'm thinking of this yarn from Knit Picks in the color Zinnia. What do you think? I've never ordered from them, but their prices seem very reasonable. I too love lace and incorporating it into a sock, way cool. And look at the heel, i want to try that. I wish i could knit all day, blog all day, this whole knit/blog thing is taking over.

I knit my first washcloth yesterday for the Cloths for Katrina. I went to Joann's and got some pretty cotton, one is off white with pink, blue and teal ( can't remember) little flecks of color on it. It's subtle and pretty knit up. I used my own pattern on a US7 dpn..let's see if i can put down on here the pattern.

Cast on 3
Inc on each 3 stitches, knitting in front and back of stitch (you should have 6 stitches)
K3, yo, K3
K row
*K3, yo, k to last 3 stitches, yo, K3
K row*
Continue 2 rows between * * until you have about 45 stitches or as wide as you want.
*SSK, K2, yo, K until last 3 stitches, yo, K2, K2tog
K4, SSK, K until last 6 stitches, K2tog, K4*
Knit between * * until you have 6 stitches
SSK, K2, K2tog (4 stitches)
SSK, K2tog (2 stitches)
K2tog. Weave in ends.

I had to wet and block the cloth to make it square.

I went to see my energy healer yesterday and i'm still not sure how she does it, but she is amazing. I went in with a really painful back ache. The night before I was hurting so bad and had to take pain pills, yesterday at work i was ok until the afternoon and then it was hurting again. I was thinking it's my period but i saw her and she says, well, let's get you on the table. I layed on my tummy on the table and she put these hot stones on my spine, on my fanny, on the sides of my spine. Then she massaged it seemed like every vertebrae, it kind of hurt actually, but hurt in a good way. Then she had me lie on my back for about 10 minutes w/pillows under my knees and i could tell a difference in even trying to turn over. I'll be darned if i could get off that table and i felt instantly better. I'm always like a pile of mush after i see her, i get so relaxed. She felt a lot of anxiety in me and that's what she worked on. I don't know what i'm going to do without her. I have to find someone who does Reiki out in CA, and i have looked, but a lot of them seem kind of scammy. But i'll continue to look.

I brought in the pair of socks i made over the Labor Day weekend. I didn't use a pattern, made it up in my mind which is easy to do if you are familiar with the structure of socks. I really like them, so much i'm not sure i want to give them away, but i'm kind of thinking of giving them to my energy healer. I think they'd suit her. I'll try to post a pic.

September 7, 2005
For my SP6

I joined SP6, which is the 6th go round for a Secret Pal group! I'm so excited, this will be my first exchange and I love this whole concept. So i'm suppose to post this for my SP6 so that when we are matched up next week he/she (i shouldn't assume they are all ladies i guess), will know a little about me and my preferences.

1. Are you a yarn snob (do you prefer higher quality and/or natural fibers)? Do you avoid Red Heart and Lion Brand? Or is it all the same to you? No, I like any kind of yarn. I avoid some of the Red Heart, the scratchy kind, most of the worsted weight is kind of scratchy. I love Lion Brand (Cotton Ease is my favorite but very hard to find now) and any other natural fiber yarns.

2. Do you spin? Crochet? Yes, I do spin on an Ashford Elizabeth wheel. And yes, i first learned how to crochet by my grandma when i was about 6 i think. I usually only crochet this one type of afghan that i've never seen a pattern published and am working on getting published in her honor, and i sometimes crochet christmas ornaments (snowflakes) and i also crochet sock trims.

3. Do you have any allergies? (smoke, pets, fibers, perfume, etc.) As far as i know i'm only allergic to some meds. I once broke out in hives they thought from cashews or strawberries, but i can eat them now with no trouble.

4. How long have you been knitting? I taught myself to knit when i was about 26. I had tried to teach myself before but got frustrated, but at 26, i needed something to get my mind off my marriage and i learned again. It was therapy for me.

5. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list? No, but i should create one i think.

6. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products etc.) I like flowery scents, peony, daffodil, carnation, lavender, citrusy, and herbal.

7. Do you have a sweet tooth? Yes...I love sour candy, sweet tarts, lemon heads, the stuff that makes you pucker. I also like Lindt white chocolate truffles and See's candies.

8. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Besides spinning, knitting, crocheting....hmmm. Well, i tat, cross-stitch, needlepoint, anything with a needle. I've made cards, i love to paint, want to learn to watercolor.

9. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD) I like Christian Contemporary, Country, Pop, i like almost all kinds of music. My current favorite is Paul Anka-Rock Swings. I like soulful and celtic music.

10. What's your favorite color? Or--do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer? Any colors you just can't stand? I'll say purple but i like all colors. Personally i wear a lot of dark jewel tones and black. But in the winter i love winter white. I love pinks, pale to a bright fuschia. I like autumn colors too.

11. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets? Divorced, no children (love kids, just think the Lord knew me and x-hubby should not have any) My child is my 13 yo Labrador/Rott named Simba. I raised her from 3 days old, so she is my baby.

12. What are your life dreams? (really stretching it here, I know) Would love to find a good man to share life with, marriage, will take any children that God gives me. Another dream is to own a knitting/coffee shop. (Me and a highschool girlfriend are working on this, it may be a reality soon!)

13. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? I love handspun wool, any kind. Natural or dyed. I love Lion Brand Cotton Ease, there are so many lovely yarns out there it's hard to decide. I also love the Merino handspun from Uruguay, it's lovely to knit with.

14. What fibers do you absolutely *not* like? Those stray ones that get under my contacts and feel like i have a 2x4 in my eye... ;)

15. What is/are your current knitting obsession/s? Socks! I love socks, they are a quick and satisfying project. But i want to make a felt bag too.

16. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit? Socks, for the reason above.

17. What are you knitting right now? Socks, mini sweater ornaments, a pink scarf, a vest, finishing a Soleil sweater, finishing an afghan, a lace plain poncho that i ended up not having enough yarn and don't want to buy another skein so i'm ripping out and going to make a shawl until the yarn runs out.

18. What do you think about ponchos? I like them, i've made two, i've worn it, but already it seems they are going out of style.

19. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? I would knit with toothpicks, i don't care. I like them all. I saw some cool GLASS needles that i had never seen before but they were like $30 and up...

20. Bamboo, aluminum, plastic? Yes....

21. Are you a sock knitter? Yes

22. How did you learn to knit? Taught myself, my first project was a sweater and i twisted the stitches, ripped out and did again. Good way to learn. I was too ambitious, i shouldn't have started with a sweater, but i do that.

23. How old is your oldest UFO? Oh boy.....??

24. What is your favorite animated character or a favorite animal/bird? I like Jack in the Box. I also think Hello Kitty is cute. My favorite animal is dogs, but i like all animals. I also love chickens, roosters and sheep.

25. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas, without a doubt.

26. Is there anything that you collect? Too many things, i collect salt cellers or salt boxes, pink or red willow ware and other ceramic kitchen items. I collect books, Boyd's Bears figurines and other items like the plush bears and animals. Yarn, but i don't collect, i just like it.

27. What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have? None, but i'm a major mag freak. I LOVE Cast On, just found that one. Anything from Interweave and Vogue Knitting.

28. Any books out there you are dying to get your hands on? Yes, Rural free;: A farmwife's almanac of country living. It's not in print and i can't find it anywhere.

29. Any patterns you have been coveting, but haven't bought for one reason or another?? I love the big pattern books, like the Debbie Bliss ones, but haven't bought one yet.

Cloths for Katrina

A yahoo group has been started for any knitters, crocheters, weavers who would like to send handmade washcloths for Katrina victims. Please join and help us to help others in this small way. I have added a sign-up on the right side, down a little bit on my blog so if you can help, please sign up. It was just started yesterday or the day before and there are a 116 people signed up so far! Isn't it incredible what we can do if we put our minds to it!? I love this project because i think it means so much to have something that is handmade and made with good intentions and to brighten someone's day. Please do whatever you can.

I told my boss yesterday about me moving. She was disappointed but very nice about it. She said she was sorry she couldn't pay me more, she said how much i've helped her and how much they'll miss me. I have a lot to do before i go for work, but it's all coming together and now my stomach isn't in knots since i talked to her.

Had group last night and i wasn't feeling well. Back was really aching, i had to take pain meds, but today it is much better. Think it is Aunt Flo coming....she is such a monthly pest! I think that because i'm PMS'ing and craving sweet and salty....thus my binge last night of mesquite flavored pringles and pepperidge farm chessmen cookies....oh ya, that was great for the old diet!

September 2, 2005
Katrina woke me up this morning...

Don't be afraid of the space
between your dreams and reality.
If you can dream it,
you can make it so. - Belva Davis

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To donate directly to the American Red Cross click here.

Watching the news last night and one of the hour specials, I just cried. It didn't look like America, it looked like some foreign country and it's just unreal that it is happening here. The desperation and the anger, the looting, the dehydration, people dying in the streets. Can not believe it, except I know it's true. So I pray and I believe there is power in prayer. And I listened to Stacie's reasoning about if every American donated $5.00 how great that would be and I donated what I could. This is America and we will survive this, there are good people out there and if we all do just whatever we can, this world will be a better place. We have to pull together, that is my opinion. Well, I think I was dreaming and thinking about all the tragedy and so I woke up at about 4:20 a.m. and had about an hour of fitful sleep. Finally fell asleep again after praying for the Gulf people.

A big thank you to the other Michele who sent me a cute card and an adorable keychain. It has my/our name on it which really surprised me because I never find anything with Michele with one L. Perhaps because she's from Canada and the french influence? I understand that our name is the male version, but I like it with one L anyway. And I had really good intentions of bringing it with me to take a pic and post while at work, but I forgot the package at home....I'll post hopefully this weekend. Thank you again Michele, I can say I've never received anything from Canada before and it really made me smile. I have some other pics to post as well of other projects.
I was told I was pretty today.... It's been awhile and the compliment kind of threw me for a loop. Sometimes I don't like who I see in the mirror, but that has been improving as I'm working through the depression. I'm hopeful and love the feeling, and I'm starting to feel like my old self. I look in the mirror sometimes now and think....there she is, I see the gleam in your eye again. So one little comment from the guy at the post office, funny how his comment made me feel good today.

I have a 3 day weekend. My boss said I didn't need to come in tomorrow. Yeah!! I'm going to start packing and sorting. I'm going to have a big yard sale and call it my Gas Fund Sale. I don't want to even think about the gas money I'll need for the move back, but it has to be done. I'm going to pay some bills and clean and I'm going to do some spinning too. The wheel is calling my name.....

Told my co-facilitator that I'm moving and she was happy for me, but sad for her. It is really hard to find facilitators for the support groups. It's a fairly big commitment, at least 2 hours every week, plus training. I know how hard it is, it's just been me and her for over a year. I trained with another girl, but she couldn't handle it mentally, she was not far enough along with her recovery from her abuse, so she quit. We just started another girl and she was there Tuesday. She is very nice, and I think she'll do fine. For the first time they allowed a non-survivor to facilitate so I wonder how she'll relate not knowing what it's truly like. I think she'll be fine. And I'm going to continue my work in CA. I've kept in touch all this time (5 yrs.) with my old facilitator of the support group I went to and I'm going to see how I can volunteer with them. They don't have a crisis line, or didn't then, so I'll look into that as well.