August 31, 2007
Friday's Feast #12/158

Who is the easiest person for you to talk to?
My best friend Julie. She's the best, she listens, she interrupts, she tells me the truth, even when I don't want to hear it.

If you could live in any ancient city during the height of the quality of its society and culture, which one would you choose?
Like my favorite novel series, The Outlander, I'd like to be in Scotland in the 1700's. But only if all the men are like Jaime...

What is the most exciting event you’ve ever witnessed?
The birth of a baby boy with curly red hair.

Main Course
If you were a celebrity, what would you do for a publicity stunt?
Oh, let's see, going to jail doesn't sound like fun, so I'd have wild affairs maybe. :)

What do you consider the ideal age to have a first child?
Physically, probably in your 20's but now that I'm older....ahhheemmmm, I could have my first child now if I wanted to.


August 30, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #27

Thirteen things I wish I could eat without having to think about my food plan.

  1. In-N-Out french fries.
  2. Crackers.
  3. Chips and french onion dip.
  4. Guacamole.
  5. Pasta
  6. Cheesecake.
  7. Cream, sometimes I miss it in my coffee.
  8. Breakfast burritos.
  9. Bacon.
  10. Hamburgers.
  11. Ice Cream.
  12. Bean and cheese burritos.
  13. Tortilla chips freshly fried with green salsa.

Hungry? What is your favorite food?

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August 28, 2007
Everything I need comes to me at the perfect time.

Tori~Yes, yesterday's trivia answer was Monica Seles. I remember seeing that on TV and it was surreal, I couldn't believe I watched him just stab her.

Today's Trivia question is: What U.S. band had the 1966 hit with "Good Vibrations"?

I had kind of a stressful day yesterday, mainly because my bosses were arguing. I just try to ignore it because it's none of my business. My male boss finally kind of had it and got really mad, so then the afternoon was very quiet...

So I went shopping after work and finally used my birthday gift certificate from my brother. I got all m Fall makeup at MAC. She did my eyes and lips and I just love the fall colors.

Have my weight class tonight and then I need to start on my bosses cheesecake for Thursday.

I'm tired and the day hasn't even begun.

August 27, 2007
I open my arms to receive the full measure of prosperity that the Universe offers.

My weight ticker is on the bottom of my blog now but I will be changing it because I'm now down 9 lbs!! I'm happy about that because I haven't exactly been on plan for every meal. Especially when I'm not feeling well. But it's given me motivation and today I'm prepared to have a good day, I've brought my healthy breakfast and lunch and I was to work early and I'm feeling great this Monday morning. I also was able to get into a smaller size pants and that always makes you feel good. One more lb. and I'm buying some yarn!!

I did get a lot of work done in my bathroom this weekend, trying to get that stupid wallpaper border off. Mamacita helped me but it is still not done. I also bought primer to put on before the paint. We've never primered before but after talking to my boss I see why I should. I just want it done. But I'll keep working on it.

I have a 2 day cheesecake to make for this Thursday for my bosses Bday! And then they will be out of the office the following week.

What do you think of the new blog template? I feel like it's less cluttered and like I'm trying to declutter my life, so is true with my blog. I really like it.

My oatmeal package has a Trivia question on it, so I'll ask you.... What tennis player was stabbed in 1993 by an upset fan of Steffi Graf?

August 24, 2007
Happy Weekend

Mamacita and I went to dinner yesterday night at a Japanese Restaurant not too far from our house. I think I've been looking at the place for 2 years now thinking, huh, we'll have to try that place. It's small and not fancy, but there are always cars there, it's not packed, but busy. So we had hot sake which Mamacita had never had and she liked it. I like sake too. She had tempura and teriyaki beef but she was concerned about it being too sweet so the waiter suggested she have the sauce on the side. It was the best teriyaki beef I've ever had, it was a real tender cut of beef, not cooked to death, and the sauce was not too sweet but really nice flavor. I had the tempura and vegetables and I too thought the quality and freshness was excellent. We've found a new place!

Today I was doing fine and about 10 a.m. a migraine hit me. I felt it coming on so I took Excedrin Migraine and i also put on Aveda Blue Oil. I put it on my temples and on the back of my neck. But it just kept getting worse, I got nauseous and the light started bothering me. And, I bled through (I know, TMI, but whatever) and I was so uncomfortable. So I went home at lunch. I ended up trying to just rest, but I fell asleep for awhile and although the migraine is gone, i feel like I have a hangover now. My boss told me she's started taking Midol w/Ibuprofen during her periods and it's helping so I'll give it a try next time.

My boss asked me if I'd make a baby ensemble with a blanket, sweater, hat and booties and how much.... Well, I don't know what to do. I don't think I can get it all done and I don't know what to charge her. So I'm thinking of making a baby blanket and see if she likes it. She wants it in September or the baby is due in December. And I want to get the prayer shawl done and then I really want to finish MS3 because I saw a finished one and it's unbelievably gorgeous! So much knitting and too little time.

I'm reading a really good book called 'such a pretty girl' by Laura Weiss. It's kind of a tough read because you can get so angry at some of the characters, but it's a good read too.

I'll leave you with a picture of the beautiful pineapple upside down cake that Mamacita made for the lucky dogs she works with! I was told it tasted as good as it looked. Isn't it pretty! ?

Have a great weekend!

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I find relaxation, enjoyment, and healing in the simplest things in life.
Oh, I hope this shows up because it's the funniest thing...I laughed, I wheezed...I kept laughing.

Happy Friday!


August 23, 2007
I live and move in a safe and secure world.

Ha, today's affirmation is a tad ironic because we had a major happening in our neighborhood last night. The Sherriff tried to serve an arrest warrent to someone who was in a house about 3 blocks away and the idiot shot through the front door and shot the cop. We had multiple helicopters swarming overheard for hours last night and the SWAT was called out, cops were everywhere. The idiot tried to flee the house and a canine cop got him. I hope he bit him HARD....I hope he drew blood and it gets infected....Things like this just do not normally happen in my neighborhood. The cop is expected to live, but geez, what is wrong with people.

I'm feeling good today despite having to deal with some female issues today. The good news is that I've gotten through it so far without a migraine! Woohoo! I think it could be because I have a better diet and I'm also taking Usana vitamins and I really think that makes a difference. So ya, me!

No knitting news to really report. I did a couple rows of the Prayer Shawl and then I went to bed early last night.

I'm so looking forward to the weekend, I'm going to maybe finally get the wallpaper border off in my bathroom and prep it for paint and I'm also going to a yarn store w/my friend sometime Saturday. I've never been to this store but it's not too far away and it looks like they have a huge selection of stuff! Can't wait.

August 22, 2007
The past is over and cannot be changed. Today is a new day.

I let him go... For my sanity, and because I'm tired of wondering and waiting and wanting and hoping. I told him not to call me anymore, to leave me alone. I told him that I deserve more than this and that is the good part. I know this. Now I'm open to finding the happiness I want. So although it makes me melancholy, i also know it's a positive and good thing to let him go.

One of my affirmations says "I dwell on positive thoughts"...Yep, that's me. Positive.

August 21, 2007
There is a rhythm and flow to Life and I am part of it.

I'm in love with my boss! Ooohhh, sounds clandestine doesn't it...but truly, I'm so thankful to him because he's saved me from melting in our hot house. And all for about $30!!! I complained to him about our house and how we're just hot and sweaty and although we have ceiling fans and stand up fans, we're just dying. He told me about getting 2 box fans and putting them in two of the windows blowing OUT and to open the other windows, you do this when the house is warmer inside than it is outside. So I tried to find fans Friday but Walmart had none, I called Target who had none and that was when I was feeling pukey, so I gave up. So Monday I found the box fans as Lowes who had 67 in stock! And they were $13.67/each. I ran there after work, went home and put them up, one in the laundry room and one in Gary's room because you put them in a room you are not in because that room gets warmer and I'll be dipped if it didn't work! After about half an hour, the house was cooler and you could feel the air moving. It takes the hot hair from inside and blows it out and draws the cooler air in. Thank you Boss!!

August 20, 2007
My thoughts help create the perfect working environment.

This is a prayer shawl that I started this weekend for our neighbor who is 82 and lives alone and just had a pace maker put in. She came home yesterday after being in the hospital for about a week, her daughter says she looks totally different (better) within hours of being home. I think there is something to that. You are just more comfortable in your own surroundings. So Mamacita went to the store and picked out this Lions Brand Homespun yarn and it's really pretty. The colors don't really come through in the pic. It is striping slightly, but it looks nice. I should have it done this week. I got a lot done Saturday night and Sunday. It's about 3 times as long as in this pic. I'll probably add some fringe to it.

Friday afternoon I started to not feel well, like I had the flu. I got body aches and lethargy and a headache. Just felt pukey. It continued Saturday, just felt ehhh and ended up going back to bed Saturday afternoon and took a 3 hour nap. Mamacita woke me up for dinner, of which I could not eat, and I actually felt better. But then that night I couldn't sleep and was up until 2:30. Sunday I was feeling back to normal, but then after dinner I got a bad tummy again. Today I feel great. Stomach virus? Maybe.

I just ordered this comforter in Bay Leaf! Isn't it adorable!? I'm working in my room right now, decluttering and cleaning out closets. Major work for me, but I'm enjoying it becoming my sanctuary. I'm thinking of redoing my closet. And I want a water fountain in there. And I may paint in there too. I have really nice berber carpeting but I want to get a cool headboard, maybe like this. I really like this too!

We also are decluttering because we're having a yard sale the first Saturday of September. Yard Sales are such a pain in the ass in my not so humble opinion but I'd really like to get rid of some stuff and it's stuff that I can't just throw away. You know that thing, another persons junk is another's treasure. We had our big trash day this Saturday where you can put out anything (well almost), and so we had a neighbor come help and put out the old sofa couch and 2 upholstered chairs and I'll tell you, it took longer to get them out of the house and to the curb than it did for someone to come by and take our junk. We were happy.

Nothing else exciting going on.

August 16, 2007
Friday's Feast #11/156

Appetizer: Describe your laundry routine. Do you have a certain day when you do it all, or do you just wash whatever you need for the next day?
Routine? Funny.... I usually do laundry on the weekends and then have trouble getting it all hung up or put away. When laundry is under control I love doing laundry.
Soup: In your opinion, what age will you be when you’ll consider yourself to truly be old?
I sometimes think it now and I'm in my 40's. And on the other hand I feel like I haven't grown up, it's all in your thinking.
Salad: What is one of your goals? Is it short-term, long-term, or both?
To learn how to weave. I guess it's a long term because I'm not ready for another hobby just now.
Main Course: Name something unbelievable you’ve seen or read lately.
I heard a story on the radio yesterday about a local woman, a grandmother, who saw some punk tagging (doing graffiti) in her neighborhood, so she honked and put her brights on him, he and his punk friends came and chased her and shot her in the head. She lived a couple days and died yesterday from her injuries. How terribly sad.
Dessert: On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how happy are you today?
I was an 8 until my best bud dinked out on our dinner plans at 5 p.m. So then I was about a 5.


Thursday Thirteen Edition #26

Thirteen things Mitchypoo's is learning about weight management...

  1. A good idea is to divide your plate into 1/2 veggies, 1/4 protein, 1/4 starch. Growing up meat was always the main thing but it does make a difference to have it not so prominent.

  2. It's a good idea to get your water in during the day. At least 64 oz.

  3. Eat every 4-5 hours, never over 6 hours because your body goes into starvation mode and messes up your metabolism which you are trying to kick start.

  4. You should exercise 5-6 times a week. For 50-60 minutes total.

  5. You can break up your work out into 2 or 3 increments. It all adds up.

  6. You don't have to belong to a gym to exercise, you can walk and every bit helps.

  7. Park the car far away going in to work, or take the stairs, all activity counts.

  8. It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle.

  9. There is truth to comfort food. A lot of people eat for emotional reasons.

  10. You should not eat while doing something else such as watching TV, or in front of the computer. You will enjoy the food more and savor it. (I'm notorious for NOT being able to do this)

  11. Juice is not a great choice because the fiber is almost non-existent. You should limit a serving of juice to 4 oz.

  12. It's a good idea, especially for women to lift light weights because when you lose weight you can lose fat and muscle and you need to build the muscle which helps you build your metabolism.

  13. It's not easy to change habits, but it's doable.

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I maintain my body at the highest level of health.

I've got somewhat of a food plan challenge today as I have plans to go out for lunch and dinner. So I'm having my healthy and balanced breakfast right now which includes a spelt tortilla, 2 soy based links of sausage from Whole Foods which surprisingly are very good, a slice of cheese, rolled into a burrito and dipped into sugar free syrup. Yummy! Oh, I'm also having a peach and coffee. I know that I'm having a greek salad with chicken for lunch so that isn't so bad. I'm meeting my Mamacita who has the day off today to get to 2 drs. appointments. We don't get to meet often for lunch so this is great. She hasn't tried Daphne's yet so that's where we are going. And then tonight I'm meeting my best bud for dinner and I've decided that I will be reasonable but I'm eating what I want...and I'm having a drinkiepoo! I think I may have a martini or a mojito. I need to find a new drink perhaps. I don't like sweet drinks so much and martinis are kind of overdone nowadays. Any ideas?

I had a nice email from my SP11 pal this a.m. Hi Pal!! What shall I call you? I think this is going to be a great Secret Pal session, I'm excited about it. I've received my Pal's info and I'm trying to read her blog and get a feel for who she is. At first glance, I'm feeling slightly intimidated about her, but I can't really tell you why. I'm going to do my best to spoil her. What a great concept it is that you do for someone but someone does for you as well solely out of the kindness of their heart. I just love the whole concept and I think it's a good life lesson because you learn to know someonen that otherwise may have never crossed your path.

I have a new love....his name is Wen. He was made by Chaz Dean, a local guy that I never heard of, probably because he's way out of my price range. I was introduced to my new love by Wendy Knits and I'm so glad I tried it. I ordered the tea tree cleansing conditioner and thought to myself that I better like this crap because it's kind of expensive, but oh my.....I love it! My hair loves it! It's so worth it and now I want to try all the other scents. I think next I'm going to try the fig one. You can thank me later! :)

We got an invitation to a chili cookoff in a couple weeks. The same cook-off that Mamacita won 1st place last year!! I didn't have a chance to ask her but I'm hoping she'll submit her chili again and I think I'll give it a go again too although I didn't even place last year. The theme this year is our favorite sports team. The hosts are major USC fans and will be in all their burgundy and gold glory I am sure. I think I need to find Minnesota Viking stuff for Mamacita and I to wear. Should be lots of fun!


August 15, 2007
SP11 Questionnaire

1. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? What fibers do you absolutely *not* like?
I love sock yarn and lace yarn, i prefer natural fibers but I'm not a snob about it. I use several mixes with nylon, etc. Especially for socks. I'm interested in sea silk, I've never used it.. I've used a yarn that had chitin in it, that was cool. The only yarn I really don't like is the old-fashioned all un-natural yarn that is scratchy and if you took a match too it it'd pool into a plastic mess.
2. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in?
Oh embarrassing....are you suppose to store them? My current method is to have them all in a medium size basket, larger ones with one end out. I'm putting them in there while trying to log them on Ravelry. I thought that was rather organized of me...hehe.
3. How long have you been knitting & how did you learn? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced?
I learned to knit from my Grandma when I was really young, like 6 or 7 and she never knit but I always liked the look of knitting so I taught myself or tried to when I was in my teens. Then after a marriage separation I took it up again to occupy my mind and I've been knitting ever since. So it's been about 17 years that I've been avidly knitting.
4. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list?
I do, it's on my sidebar, but I think I have to update them.
5. What's your favorite scent?
I have to pick just one? I like natural scents, like peony or fig, i love mint and citrus scents. I'd say I like green scents.
6. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy?
I do, but I'm watching what I eat. For a total indulgence, my favorite is white chocolate Lindt truffles.
7. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? Do you spin?
I do spin, I have an Elizabeth Ashford wheel but I haven't done it in awhile. I also know how to use a drop spindle, but I love the wheel. Other crafts I like are beading, tatting with a tatting needle, any of the needle arts, cross stitch, needlepoint.
8. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD)
I like all kinds of music, truly I do. Current favs are Amy Winehouse and Joss Stone. I like Country, R&B, Blues, Jazz, Pop, Rock.
9. What's your favorite color(s)? Any colors you just can't stand?
I love all colors. Sorry, know that doesn't help. I tend to pick pink, purples and greens. My current personal favorite is aqua, turquoise.
10. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets?
I'm divorced, live with my Mother because my Father passed away last year, my handi-capable (per my brother, who told me he is NOT handicapped) brother comes home on weekends. We have 1 dog and 2 crazy cats.
11. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos?
Ewww, ponchos, but yes to scarves and hats. Being in So Cal, I don't have much need for mittens anymore, but they are cute.
12. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit?
Socks and lace.
13. What are you knitting right now?
Socks, an MS3 stole, baby booties, kitchen towels, a sweater.
14. Do you like to receive handmade gifts?
Love anything handmade.
15. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Bamboo, aluminum, plastic?
I like to knit socks on circs usually but i also use dpns. I really don't have a needle preference, I like them all. I'd knit with toothpicks if I had to. I do like those lighted needles, they are kind of cool.
16. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift?
Own yarn winder, but cannot find it for the life of me, dang it! I have a niddy noddy but not a yarn swift.
17. How old is your oldest UFO?
Oh lord....a couple years I guess. Oh unless you count that stupid bedspread I started making for a bf in high school...
18. What is your favorite holiday? it! Friends, family, food, gifts, decorations. Only hate the stress of it.
19. Is there anything that you collect?
Yarn...stitch markers, magazines, books, Boyd's Bears figurines and soft sheep stuffed animals.
20. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have?
Loaded question. Well, I'm on a yarn diet, so until I lose the next 5 lbs., no yarn buying for me and it's killing me! I'm having yarn withdrawal. Francis Patrick yarns, on my sidebar are my favorite sock yarns and I'm sure she misses my regular business too! I kind of want that Stitch and Bitch Nation book too, a lot of people reference it for cat toys.
21. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn?
No, none I can think of. Not that I know how to do it all either.
22. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements?
Definitely, love socks! I wear a US8.5 or 9
23. When is your birthday?
March 7
24. Are you on Ravelry? If so, what's your ID?
Yes, I love Ravelry! I'm mitchypoo

There you go, gosh, I haven't gotten my pal yet, we are suppose to get it by today. Will have to be patient and check tonight if I've received my Pal. Can't wait to get to know that person and spoil her/him!


August 14, 2007
I am at peace with my body. I am comfortable with my looks, my weight, and my vibrant health.

Had a nice weekend, although it was miserably hot. And it's continued this week. Today we are expected to peak 100 and the humidity is high. I guess it's summer so it should be expected.

My bosses were out of town for the weekend and took Monday too so it was me and the temp worker. The day went fine. I can't believe how many people bought a car over the weekend. It goes in spurts. The next holiday weekend is a big car buying weekend too.

I've started working on my MS3 stole again and I'm really enjoying it. I'm in the repetitive part so it's good knitting but I keep forgetting to add some beads. No problem though because I will sew them on later. That's so much easier than ripping to add a stupid bead. It's a project that I have to kind of concentrate on so I leave it at home. I am using a highlighter for the graph and that is working. It's really beautiful so far. I've heard that it's called the Swan Lake Shawl, but I haven't seen a swan yet. There is a wing on it and I guess some were bothered by the design, but I'm just knitting away. I want to see how it was intended. Socks and lace knitting are my current faves.

I have my weight class tonight. Looking forward to it. It is a late night for me, it doesn't end until 9 p.m. but it's worth it for me. I've stopped going to the gym, it wasn't worth the aggravation. I'll find another way.

Have to go check my stocks. It dropped below my initial investment but I think it's teaching me patience. I'm just letting it sit and hopefully it'll go up again. Yesterday I had lost 9 cents overall. Have to go check if it's changed today...

Have a great Tuesday. Make it the best day for you!

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August 11, 2007
Codeines Hemline Miss

I saw this on a blog and thought I'd give it a try. If you go to this site for anagrams you can enter your full name as I have done and just look what you get.

1881 found. Displaying first 100: Medicines HomelinessCede Hemline MissionsCede Homeliness MinisCede Hemlines MissionCede Holinesses MinimLeeched Nisei MonismsLeeched Niseis MonismLeeched Mine MissionsLeeched Mien MissionsLeeched Mines MissionLeeched Miens MissionLeeched Semis MinionsLeeched Misses MinionLeeched Noises MinimsLeeched Session MinimComedienne Hies SlimsComedienne Shies SlimComedienne Shies MilsComedienne Hisses MilComedienne Smile HissComedienne Limes HissComedienne Slime HissComedienne Miles HissComedienne Slimes HisComedienne Smiles HisComedienne Leis ShimsComedienne Isle ShimsComedienne Lies ShimsComedienne Isles HimsComedienne Isles ShimComediennes Hie SlimsComediennes Hies SlimComediennes Hies MilsComediennes Shies MilComediennes Lei ShimsComediennes Lie ShimsComediennes Lime HissComediennes Mile HissComediennes Smile HisComediennes Limes HisComediennes Slime HisComediennes Miles HisComediennes Slimes HiComediennes Smiles HiComediennes Leis HimsComediennes Leis ShimComediennes Isle HimsComediennes Isle ShimComediennes Lies HimsComediennes Lies ShimComediennes Isles HimEmceed Shinnies LimosEmceed Shinnies MoilsEmceed Shininess LimoEmceed Shininess MoilEmceed Holiness MinisEmceed Noes NihilismsEmceed Ones NihilismsEmceed Nose NihilismsEmceed Eons NihilismsEmceed Noses NihilismSecede Hominies LimnsSecede Holiness MinimSecede Omen NihilismsSecede Omens NihilismSecede Meson NihilismSecedes Hominies LimnSecedes Omen NihilismChiseled Immense IonsChiseled Nominee IsmsChiseled Nominee MissChiseled Nominees IsmChiseled Nominees MisChiseled Seine MonismChiseled Seem MinionsChiseled Seems MinionChiseled Simonies MenChiseled Emission MenChiseled Mime SonniesChiseled Monies MinesChiseled Monies MiensSchemed Elision MinesSchemed Elision MiensSchemed Oiliness MineSchemed Oiliness MienSchemed Elisions MineSchemed Elisions MienSchemed Simonies LienSchemed Simonies LineSchemed Emission LienSchemed Emission LineSchemed Meiosis LinenEchoed Linemen MissisEchoed Sliminess MineEchoed Sliminess MienDeice Hominesses LimnDeice Shimmies NelsonMedicine Hemlines SosMedicine Homeless SinMedicine Homeless Ins

I've been doing some cleaning in my room and I'm doing laundry today . It's so flippin' hot outside it's horrible. Not going out there at all.

Mamacita had someone sideswipe her car last week, good thing she got an estimate, it's over $2500! I thought it might be because she scraped along the whole drivers side of her car. I'm glad she got an estimate b/c the other parties insurance company is coming out to estimate and now she knows what is expected and tack on 11 days of a rental car too.

I'm doing really well with my eating plan, i'm working on writing down my food this week and I'm making good choices. I'm trying not to weigh every day but I know I'm doing well.

August 9, 2007
Friday's Feast #11/155

Appetizer: What is your favorite kind of pie?
Rhubarb.....yum. Hard to pick one.
Soup: Name something that made you smile this week.
An older customer of mine almost asked me out. It was embarrassing, but it made me smile too.
Salad: What do you do to cool off when the weather is hot and humid?
Sit in front of the fan and sleep with the windows open.
Main Course:You receive $1,000 in the mail with a letter that says you can only use the money to redecorate one room in your home. Which room do you pick, and what do you buy to spruce it up?
My bathroom, I'd go buy all new hardware and accessories from The Pottery Barn and it would look like this.
Dessert: Fill in the blank: My _heart________ says _beware of Mr.&$(@_, but I _can't let him go_.


August 8, 2007
Thursday Thirteen Edition #25

Thirteen Random things that makes Mitchypoo laugh!

  1. When someone hurts themselves, like stubbing their toe or tripping. It's a bad habit, a sickness maybe in my family but I sometimes can't help but laugh.
  2. When someone can make fun of themselves.
  3. My animals. A constant source of entertainment.
  4. Mark and Brian, my morning radio guys. They are so funny, but not at the expense of others. Well, not always.
  5. When someone compliments me. I usually laugh, not a good compliment taker I guess.
  6. When I see a baby, they make you bubble with joy.
  7. Mom has certain words she can say and make me laugh. Inside jokes.
  8. My best friend. She's always good for a laugh.
  9. My bosses, sometimes they argue or it's kind of just a banter back and forth and all I can do is laugh. My bosses are married to each other too.
  10. The show Last Comic Standing.
  11. Southpark. I love Southpark.
  12. Rob when he imitates an elephant.
  13. A good book. I think the writing is spectacular if it can make you laugh out loud.


Today I let Life provide all that I need.

My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Imperial Majesty Mitchypoo the Undefeated of Melbury Bubblewick
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

Just call me Your Majesty.... hehehe

I'm up $1.36!!!! This is so much fun!

Had a 73 year old client kind of almost ask me out today.....ewww. But I'm laughing about it. I told my mom that now I only attract the decrepit.

Listening to Jazz today at work, I feel pretty mellow. Even though I got to bed a little later because the weight class ended at 9 pm. And my 2 new music obsessions are Amy Winehouse and Joss Stone. Man they can sing. I love Amy's style, downloaded her to the shuffle. I'll be listening to her tomorrow while I have a 2 hr. appt. at the dentist.

The weight class was great. We're doing a food diary which is something I normally hate, but I'm getting a new attitude and just doing it. And the plan is slightly confusing and slightly not, there's a lot of choices, you just pick what you want to eat. I'm not giving up butter, I'll just eat less. I'll figure this out. Yesterday I had low blood sugar where I felt panicky and shaky and like I needed to eat. I think it's because I'm eating a lot of fruit and although it's natural, it's still sugar. And not so much protein, as in meat. I need to get some good choices of protein to have on hand. I'm happy with a big salad w/tomato and vinaigrette, but it'd be healthier with some protein. We had to bring a 4-6 oz. cup and bowl. My bowl looked small but it was bigger slightly. That is the portion for juice and for a snack. You can have what fits in the bowl. So I'm off to find a 4-6 oz. bowl, I think Pyrex has them. I give myself an A for effort today!

Have a great day!


August 7, 2007
I rejoice in my employment.

I made 20 cents today! I'm playing with a fairly small amount on a stock trade thing thru my credit card company. It's going to be my new obsession I think, to see what it does over the next month. But it's kind of cool that I made anything for just investing. I'm finding I want to know more about finances and money and I will need to for my job in the future so I might as well enjoy it. So for today I'm up 20 cents!


The road to freedom is through the doorway to forgiveness.

I was so whipped last night I went to bed at 8:30! And I slept soundly. Heard Mamacita's alarm go off around 4:30 but fell back asleep. I feel wonderful today!! My back isn't hurting anymore and I'm well rested. What could go wrong.... oops, shouldn't say that.

If you like tea, there's a gift for you on the sidebar to the right. Enter your email and receive a $5 gift certificate. I've ordered from them many times and they have great products, the tea is fresh and different and the ingenuitea teapot thing is really cool.

Have my 2nd weight class tonight. Looking forward to it. I've had a good week, feeling good about myself and my food.

If you are from LA you'll understand how sad it is to have lost one of our local news people, Hal Fishman. He's been around as long as I can remember. What is sad to me is he was well respected, very knowledgeable, but we never hear about it until they are gone. He was still broadcasting like a week ago before he collapsed at home and they found out he had colon cancer. So sad. My prayers for his family.

Knitting, well, I have too many projects, have to sew up some pink baby booties, working on socks for Spaz, haven't picked up my MS3 in 2 weeks but must get going on it. I got blocking wires, yes, i broke down and bought them and now I have at least 2 projects I need to block. And I want to knit a rug I saw that you knit a tube and insert cord into it and now I can't remember where I saw it. Too many projects, too little time!

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August 6, 2007
I always have as much as I need.

Lost my post....I'll try again. Had a sonogram early this a.m. I had to drink 32 oz. of water about an hour before the appointment. They did one outside and I had one inside too. It seemed to take a long time, and it seemed that she was finding stuff, perhaps it was my imagination. The Dr. will have results in 2-3 days. I'm pretty sure I have female issues, but we'll see. So I was a tad late for work. Not a big deal but I swear I could just go to sleep right now, I'm so tired. I have to make a real effort to get to bed early this week. It's my goal for the week.


August 5, 2007
Jonesing for yarn!

Here's what I've been working on for the weekend...

These are Spaz socks for Jul! She picked out the yarn, I like it, but I don't think she thought it would stripe like that so we'll see.

Looky what Mamacita came up with last night...
She wanted to try out her new tart pan (lucky us!) And it was as tasty as it is beautiful. It tasted like summer. Sweet, mouthwatering, tangy.......yum!

SP11 is going to begin soon, I haven't gotten my pal yet, but I'm excited about it! Can't wait to get to know her or maybe him, you never know. And it'll be fun to get a nice package together and all of that.

I may be organizing a swap for my group on Ravelry. Cat knits is the group and it gives me so much pleasure to see a group of like minded people who are so interesting. It's for people who have or love cats and knit/crochet or are crafty. If you are on Ravelry, please come and join us! It sounds so far like the group is interested in a swap around Nov-Dec which surprised me because of the holiday season but whatever.

OK, Have to go cut a watermelon and a pineapple up and then the vegetables to grill for the week. I need to prepare to be really good and healthy this week because I need to get 3 lbs. off of me and quick because I want to buy yarn! I'm jonesing for some yarn stash!

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August 3, 2007
Friday's Feast #10/154

August 2, 2007
Thursday Thirteen Edition #24

Thirteen Things about Mitchypoo that you may not know!
  1. I dated someone with the last name Dick. I almost became a Dick.
  2. I should have married the Dick instead of "Stupid" (the ex).
  3. They used to call me Rubberband because I was skinny and very flexible. Those were the days.
  4. They also called me Chipmunk as a baby because I had bumble cheeks.
  5. I have a mole on the bottom of my foot. I used to tell Stupid that if he ever had to verify my body, he could look on the sole of my foot. He hated me telling him that and it made him mad. That's why I told him.
  6. I tend to freckle instead of tan, I don't even try anymore although I love the Sun.
  7. I had a Welsh Corgi when I was young whose name was Gabriella Hancook. She was a pain in the ass.
  8. I know how to make bagels from scratch.
  9. I learned to crochet from my Grandma when I was about 6 or 7.
  10. I feel snarky today? Know what I mean?
  11. I used to want to own a cow. I read up on it, I know how to do it, but living in LA, it'll never happen.
  12. I want to become a painter, I think oil is my medium.
  13. I want an ipod really bad.

The creative juices are having a hard time getting going today...sorry.


August 1, 2007
I am open to the wisdom within.

Can't believe it's the first day of August. Just doesn't seem possible. My affirmation calendar says this for the month of August.

Give extra attention to your health this month. Eat fruit instead of candy. Drink lots of water. Walk more than ride. Organize your exercise schedule. Love your body and tell it so: "Body, I love you! What can I do to make you happy?"

Well, since I started a weight management class last night that lasts for 8 weeks, I like this affirmation for the month. I was surprised how many were at the class, I'd say about 25-30 people, mostly women, but a few men. The class is lead by a nutritionist and we also had a talk last night by a physiologist. It's a 2 hour class and it focuses on living healthy, not a diet. They work up a food plan for you which is great, we'll get that next week. They say that if you are wanting to lose or maintain your weight you should do something aerobic 5-6 times a week for 50-60 minutes. And it's OK to split it up in 2 or 3 increments, but that is more than I thought they'd suggest. And here I'm having a hard time with 20 minutes walking at the gym. So I'm going to try doing some walking in the parking lot at work, before I eat.

The weigh in wasn't so painful, well, I mean it was, of course, because I hate to look at the number, and the physiologist guy took my weight, so of course it's embarrassing, but oh well. And it seems I've shrunk an inch. How is that possible? I'm not that old that I'm shrinking, am I? Was it the 80's hair do when my hair was bigger? And all that means is that I have to lose an additional 4 lbs to be in a good goal. Crap.

So, don't forget to tell your Body today that you love it!
